Temple of Zeus at Olympia

Recreation of the temple of Zeus in Olympia, one of the 7 ancient wonders :slightly_smiling_face:
The people and Zeus models have been downloaded from skechtfab.
The columns and curtain were modeled. For the fire and smoke I used procedural volumetrics.
Maybe I will model Zeus in his original pose, ie with the scepter in one hand and the goddess of victory in the other, although I have little experience in organic modeling, so it would be quite a challenge for me.
Feel free to comment! :blush:

Sketchfab credits:

Zeus Statue: Zeus Statue - Download Free 3D model by Mariano Oliva (@asphaltango) [216d3af] - Sketchfab
Incense Burner: Incense Burner - Download Free 3D model by Allard Pierson (@AllardPierson) [42a9b68] - Sketchfab
People: CODAME - Sketchfab


I feel like I’m looking at a miniature but maybe my eyes are wrong.

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Perhaps it is due to the scale of the smoke. :thinking: In any case there are many things to improve. Thanks for viewing and commenting!

I like the idea, but the walls seem to be much too close to the statue, and in general your choice of lenses seems to show a lot of “foreshortening.” I’d consider shooting a horizontal rather than a vertical orientation for the scene, and give the temple some space. I would think that the statue would be fairly in the center of a long wall, which is also well-taller than the statue, with various decorations to either side of it. In other words, a setting.

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Thanks for watching and commenting! I also take note of the recommendations! :slight_smile: The tight space is based on other recreations I’ve seen, where the statue is even a bit bigger in a smaller space. But it is true, the stay is very narrow. Maybe experiment with a bigger stage. Thanks again!

Nice work! Please remember that if you used free models from Sketchfab, you need to provide attribution as required by the Creative Commons license. Could you please add this to your post?

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Of course! I edit with the links to the models, sorry.

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Oh my goodness! :open_mouth:
Thank you very much! :flushed:

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Congratulations, this work has been nominated for the ‘Best of Blender Artists 2022’ award in the #vfx category! You can vote for it here.

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Thanks a lot!
This work is very simple, for me having been nominated is already a victory.
Thank you very much again! :slight_smile:

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