TexTools for Blender

3dsmax UV editing is a way more complex and unusable.

If someone puts on a list such a things like relax, peel, etc, it clearly shows that he doesnot know how UV have to be properly unwrapped, please, avoid mentioning such things.

Well, Iā€™ve stopped Textools donation support, because I has got diamond donation level of blenderfund, and it tooks whole sources.

Mate, give it a rest. If you think Maxā€™s unwrap tools are ā€˜way more complex and unusableā€™ then you havenā€™t a clue what youā€™re talking about. Go to my Artstation and see the kind of assets I regularly unwrap. You work in Archvis(I assume) so enough said regarding unwrappingā€¦


I try your file but no error when I bake difuseā€¦

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His error indicates ray distance is in use, I wonder if he has enabled something to bake from one object to another with only one object in there.

edit: Full diclosure, Iā€™ve never used textools, so this is an entirely blind guess.

I download and use his own blend fileā€¦ only different its that I 'm using Blender 2.81.1 and him 2.80.75

Hey 1D_Incā€¦Iā€™m not following. Are you saying Renderhjs is a Diamond supporter of Blender Foundation? And who is taking ā€œwhole sourcesā€ as in are you saying someone is lifting other peopleā€™s code???

May be because you donā€™t use the proper install fileā€¦ try this and tell me if not workingā€¦


I am a user from 3ds max, I like the iron faces feature, which allows me to adapt to blender without making too many changes. Thank you very much for your great work, sir.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

It seems like TexTools doesnā€™t like to work in UV Sync Mode, or handle MultiObject Unwraps as well. It can work in Multi Object, but if you align to Edge, only those shells from that object are shown, and everything else is de-selected/dissapears from the UV View and you have to re-select everything again.

Iā€™m not sure if this is possible to fix both/either one. I could try to look into it as well. But may be over my head, but not sure yet.

Thanks Sav for porting this to 2.8!

Just started using TT today, and loving it!.. But does this pup use all available CUDA GPUs?.. I have three 980Ti and baking a 2k MatID by itself took like over a minuteā€¦ :-/


What are your samples set to? For many of the specialized passes(though not all) just one single sample per pixel can be sufficient. Mind, I havenā€™t used TT so not sure if it defines the baking settings/samples separate from the scene render.

Ahhhhhā€¦ okay, wait a secā€¦ so it uses render settings eh?.. I have E-Cycles, but it was set to EEVEE and CPU only with 128 samples when I clicked the Bake buttonā€¦ and it actually took over 5 minutes to bake this MatID map!.. Iā€™ll be back in a bitā€¦

Iā€™m making a guess here, but seems reasonable to expect it to make use of cycles.

It definitely make use of cycles and the old 2.79 version uses Blender Internal as well.

Thanks guys! I will need to come back to this tonight or tomorrowā€¦ I had to kick-it old-school to get this render to a client today, but I want to have this stuff nailed to the floor asafp. I just bought UVPackmaster today and started using TexTools today, and really need to be able to go back and forth between Blender and Painter as efficiently as possible. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll get there, but clearly need to read through a bunch of crap before I totally have my hands around this new workflow. Even though Iā€™ve been using 2.8 since November, I was still using LightWave to do my UVs and ColorIDs/MatIDs. But no more! Iā€™m determined to just use LW only when I need to tweak and re-render old Octane LW jobsā€¦

The default uv tools in blender are almost non existent imo. You basically have to download 3-5 addons to start to come closer to max or maya. But still has issues. Iā€™m trying to use it for uv as well. But still havenā€™t found a good way to do pelt mapping or similar for example. Even default ā€œrelaxā€ does nothing sometimes when it should. Also not being able to see UV seams in the 2d view is goofy. They whole sync mode thing needs to go away as well and just always be like that.


Here is a tutorial on using the UV tools. https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&time_continue=13&v=L3654VGZObg

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Hey, thanks Daniel! Iā€™ll be watching that in a bit here! So cool you have both TT and UVP 2 Pro in your tute!

Edit: Hmmā€¦ for some reason, hovering over faces in Edit Mode in 3D Viewport window and hitting L does nothing for me, but in the UV Edit window it does select linked facesā€¦ Any ideas, anyone?..

No, I became diamond blenderfund supporter a year ago.
The problem is that I was supporting Renderhjs before diamond membership, now I canā€™t because diamond level requires twice more funds, than my previous level.