So I was texture-painting in blender.
It was working just fine for a while then suddenly I’m unable to texture paint.
I deleted the old mask and added a new mask but still not working. Color picker is ok.
The mask is selected in texture slots
What happened?
Normally Materials and Textures would be the correct category, but in this case, I’m moving this to Volunteer Work . The reason being, we’ve learned through past threads that your questions are actually requests for someone else to do every step of the process and explain every aspect of that work in high-level, repeated, detail, which qualifies instead as volunteer work.
Given that all your questions are actually related to the same project so far, you should probably keep those questions here in this thread, and make a new topic for a new project
Alright but keep in mind that it will affect the number of people reaching my posts
I see that this is an empty space…not many users come here and thus I might wait for days before an answer.
I wanted to post in an active/busy space got it?
Again, you don’t get to demand a timeframe unless you’re paying for someone’s time. If you don’t like the rate at which you get help here, then find a budget and put something in Paid Work
Ok Please let me move it back just for this time…I need more traffic and you can’t imagine how limited my time is and I don’t want to urge anyone to help…but with high traffic…a don’t need to urge or act as if I’m paying anybody to help
thanks for understanding
Unfortunately, you seem to have the impression that your time is more valuable than anyone else’s. Otherwise, you would try things out on your own, try to figure out why something is not working, or doesn’t work anymore as expected.
I’ve colaborated more than most on this project so far, and honestly, I’m not sure what more I, or anyone else can do to help you further. You seem to lack the ability to retain any kind of information you’re given, which is going to continually come back to bite you.
The answer to whatever your question is, is probably somewhere amidst the many, many replies you’ve received over the past three weeks.
Well, it’s the weekend, and I’ve had about 50 tags in the past day (Ok, I’m exaggerating, but it feels like that) asking for further assistance. As I said to you many posts ago, the people here aren’t your personal tutors, and though I was happy to try and help for a time, I don’t think I can anymore without significant effort on your part.
Your time might be limited, but so is everyone else’s…
If you want to come with time-requirements for your help, then you must also come with an open wallet. Unfortunately, that is how real life works, services cost money.
Start by finding out how much people here want to be paid to help with rapid assistance in your projects, then make a budget for it.
One tip, if you want to get your stuff done both quickly and for free, watch tutorials and learn Blender thoroughly yourself. It is also more fun to be able to make things yourself.
Don’t change categories back after a moderator has changed a category and explicitly explained the reason for the change. This stays in Volunteer Work , I don’t care if you agree with that decision but you do have to abide by it
Uh ofc not…I’m talking to the MOD…but I’m thanking everybody who collaborated with me for there time and I appreciate people who committed and devoted some of their time to help
I don’t know what’s wrong with the sentence “My time is limited”
Don’t I have the right to express how much time I have or something?
That, surely, doesn’t mean I don’t respect others’ time. I do…
But what the mods are doing is that they’re slowing traffic for people who want help from anybody who has time for that…and when you tell them you have no time they tell you to simply pay…oh…I forgot to express my financial situation lol
Where should I go so I can request help?
And when it comes to you @Magnavis as I said before my words aren’t enough to express how thankful I am…I’m not talking about you here, you devoted enough time and you’re time (And everybody’s time) is appreciated
And btw…as I’m demanding the mods and other people to understand my situation…I’m also welcoming people who want to express there limited help time and how they aren’t available the whole time. I’ll do my best to sympathize with people who are facing problems like the ones I have (or the ones anybody has)
thanks for understanding
I don’t think I can anymore without significant effort on your part.
I’m ready to do so…and you remember well how I asked many times if you need more info for example or if you need me to try something, etc.
So yes I’ll do my best to take the effort on my part
I’ve been told that I’m rude multiple times in this community and I ignored it…
But this is clear disrespect
You said that support and textures will work most of the time so that should be fine…
I’m pretty sure you’re intentions is good but the way you delivered it was disrespectful to me (Or anybody else btw)
and moderators are here to make it easier for people not to say multiple times that they’re mods…and, with all due respect, you’re making it complicated while the matter is simple.
I will abide by the decision but can you abide by what you said about support and textures being fine?
(note that I too explicitly explained the reason we need to move it there…so…)
From my observations, I think it’s the other way around, your intentions are good, but your communication is lacking, and you don’t realize it.
When literally everyone argues the same way against you, and you alone resist, it is more likely that the fault may actually lie with you.
I know people in my social circle who do not understand / miss what is written, and have to explain several times for them. This often occurs because they have some form of disability such as dyslexia. Even people with different degrees of autism can find it difficult to remember and understand texts.
I of course would not claim that you have any of this, I don’t even know you, but your way of writing reminds me of some other people. My point is simply that I am convinced that you need to practice your communication skills, and it may help if you are also aware of a potential disability (I’m not saying you have one, just in case), such as dyslexia.
I say all this to try to help you, I hope this does not come across as me trying to be mean.
No ur not being mean…but I’m usually talking with formal people (Formal language)
So when it comes to slang and informal discussions ye u might finds some mistakes and that’s fine…plus you should also consider that I’m typing not talking…usually when typing furiously or when involved in an online argument you can even find typos and whatnot. My-Or anybody’s- communication skills are actually demonstrated in different events. For me, you may find my fluent when having mutual conversation with a TV presenter for example but not in such forum Lol
Regardless of whether I or any member has communication problems. Saying something that might be perceived as rude or disrespectful is, most of the time, universal. Some members don’t take into account cultural difference. If you’re in japan, if I told you that I’m not sorry for example, then I’m a non-moral and my parents didn’t teach me anything lol. Ofc not the same impact in USA or whatever for example.
The members here, as I concluded, don’t take that into account…they say things regardless of my culture for example.
I do my best to take cultural differences into account but some here don’t. That’s the main problem.
Edit: As I said many times…I don’t have problems with arguing…or admitting that the problems lie within me. But it’s about how you tell me (or anybody) that he’s wrong
Example: “You’re very rude, please don’t do that again. Whenever I tell you to do that, just do it…etc.”
“Hi, please don’t do that next time! That’ll help the community here! Thanks”
When it comes to cultures, there are many different ones indeed. And you know what, even this very forum has its culture, its rules and even unwritten rules as to what is deemed reasonable and what not.
You, as pretty much everyone else here is a guest. All of us are supposed to behave appropriately, all of us are supposed to be respectful in the context of this forum’s culture.
In all of your threads, I have seen one person who doesn’t see a need to behave according to this forum’s culture and that is you!