Thanator from the Movie Avatar

I am shitting my pants! Looks terrific. Beware when modeling your cursor don’t enter that mouth ! Place some cube so he can’t shut and trap you!

No problem!
Really awesome btw!

Thanks for all the support guys! I’ve started modeling the neck. Here’s what I have so far.

coming along great!

Beware when modeling your cursor don’t enter that mouth !
lol! :slight_smile:
keep going!

Holy crap… I havent logged on in months. This piece is so nice it actually made me log on to comment!

Are you planning to make it look as real as the movie?

As I’ve said before, this is amazing. Can’t wait to see it textured… Are you gonna do a high-poly sculpt for normal mapping or just make a normal map, or leave it flat?

Well this is what I have planned for texturing. Normal maps for pores in the model and then textures. I’m not doing a high poly sculpt because that would take up too much time and space on my laptop. Thanks for all the support guys! Here is a reward for your support.:smiley:

I like what you’re doing so far, and it’s very impressive, and from the movie pic the creature has an impressive mouth and impressive means of strength and clawing as well making it look ferocious.

I wonder what the guy who designed it for the movie was thinking when he decided to put what looked like flower petals on his head with strand things going out of it, it takes an otherwise ferocious design and almost turns it into something a little girl would love:confused:

The head and neck are now completely done!:smiley:


Those’d serve two purposes: Camouflage and intimidation. If the Pandoran environment is anything like ours, looking bigger and more threatening could mean the difference between life and death, even for a predator. Think how cobras flatten their necks to look bigger, it’s the same concept.

EDIT: They’d also, like cat’s whiskers, probably pick up vibrations and be an effective way of ensuring the Thanator new whether its body would fit somewhere or not.

Okay here’s my attack plan for texturing. Make a high poly version of this model sculpting in all the small detail,. make a normal map of that, then work on making textures in gimp. (I can hardly function in gimp.)

Yes I am.:smiley:

with textures it will be amazing!!

Update time!

Looks promising!

You should be working on the next avatar movie:D Really nice!

Its looking wonderful.

Wow, you should record a time-lapse I can learn a lot from you.

Thanks guys!:smiley: Here is the first and last update of the night. I’ve been really tied up with school lately. Tell me what you think of the top view.


I see you use my image :smiley:
Nice that it helped.
Very nice, keep working!