Thanator from the Movie Avatar

I edited the post then to not overflow that page. Yes he has armour plates in many parts on the back.

Thanks man we all greatly appreciate it. :slight_smile:

looking good, love the Avatar movie.

Hey guys I made a progress video for all your great support! Enjoy!

My first thought was “Well at least it was not the rickrolled thing…” LOL
What people wait to see is a capture of you moving those vertices and faces and polygons I think.

For what competition are you doing it?

Thats excatly what I was talking about, perhaps I was not clear, but I mean’t a video showing you working on it not a video showing the pictures of what we already saw.:frowning:

I know guys. This was just a video I put together to show you my progress. I will begin recording next time I open blender.:smiley:

Your doing great!

Updates anyone?

He is a student and probably in a busy time just now.

Sorry for the lack of updates guys. I’ve been really caught up with school lately such as several quizzes, tests, and reports that I needed to do. Here’s what I’ve got so far done today. I also started the recording.:wink:


I see the second par of legs is not a exact copy of first ones. I think I would make a exact copy and then delete/move polygons to fit. I like more the first par of legs than the second. The second has the “knee” much more lower and so it creates much more thick leg. But I am not looking at the reference images just now and perhaps the second is more robust than first.
Is looking amazing.

The second leg in the reference image is way more muscular than the first one. Think of it this way. The second and third pair of legs were mainly used to support the weight of this creature so they have to be bulkier. The first pair is more of the hands type things. They are used to grab things. If I copied the first leg it would become very difficult to get the right muscle structure that the second leg has in the picture. Thanks for the comment as well. Today I really have to start working on fixing the topology of this model. Some loops are so ridiculous. I mean I’m upset that the loops on this thing are so bad.

Yea the recording has begun. :slight_smile: And another excellent update, once again.

Can we see another wireframe :)?

Zbrush update!:smiley:


Good work Dude! Can’t wait to see it finished.

When is the next update?

Does anyone know the current status of this thing?

Great work so far! I can’t wait to see it finished.