The BEST atioglxx.dll file. Ever.

Yay! I can finally use blender on my other computer!

I had it on this computer once but it kept slowing down. The longer I had the program open, the slower it ran. Thank you for letting us know about this method.

The mouse isn’t as good, but at least I won’t get frustrated after 2 minutes of slowing down.

i had great speed improvements with the file but it seems useless if your going to use the game engine. it haved the frame rate i get with the old ati driver. plus it corrupted a blend file so when i press p i get a blank gray screen… odd.

Current ATI driver from 2007-04-18 doesn’t change the situation for me (Xpress 1150).

my problem was similar to samf. thank you.

The Xpress 1150 is entirely different from the 1100. In fact, I think they gave that number to my chipset to make people buy it. I stood there in the store and consciously made the decision to buy my laptop over the one with the 200. Only to find out later they were the same. Still this one has more ram so I’d probably would have gotten it anyway.

Glad to see it work for some people though.

Grmph. I had to deinstall this driver version, because it crashed my machine after roughly half an hour of work (be it 3D or not).

Now using the Omega drivers again, as before, but…

Windows in Blender (Splash screen, each and every menu and submenu) take more than a second to close. They roll up, i.e. close from the bottom to the top. Nice for once, absolutely annoying afterwards. I didn’t have this effect before.
Any idea how to solve this?

Edit: This happens only with the recommended atioglxx.dll; without this the display as slow as before, especially when border selecting.

You did remove the dll from your blender folder?

Omega drivers don’t have the slow-down problem. . .


I can assure you they have.

I haven’t tried it, but it wouldn’t be a surprise.

Inmare: wich version of Windows are you using? If ME or XP or latter you can revert your system to an earlier state with, uhm, that system backup thingy. :slight_smile:

Wow works just fine thanks

I have same problem as Inmare with new PC :
Without driver or with a fake files ( as the nvidia files atioglxx.dll, or other dll changed in this name ) I have fast selection, but roll-over menu… take seconds to deseapear as old curtains… without the files atioglxx.dll the display is slow, especially when selecting object , or select point . And all the 2D GUi is slow.

I don’t have a lot of luck too …
( Cryyyyyy ! I buy it especially for Blender )
I run Vista 32Bit , and the last Catalyst drivers
Radeon Xpress 1200

I’ve got a new laptop (xp pro) with ATi firegl v5200 - and is surprised how slow blender runs :frowning:
It actually ran faster on my 4 year old laptop with nvidia 32 mb.
When having 1 viewport, it’s running OK (about 15 fps I think), but when splitting the viewport, it really kills the fps, which goes down to about 1… Useless.

I’ve tried the atioglxx.dll trick (also with the nvidia dll) - didn’t work. I’ve tried the ATI tray tools - didn’t work. And there aren’t any omega drivers for my card. What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions? It’s terrible not to be able to blend!


Marve, the school I am in has fireGL’s and I know how slow it can get and just how fast it does it. I really hope there’d be something that would solve this BIG problem.

Hello Marve,
New laptop ? Running on Vista I guess ? Ati drivers for Vista are really xxxxxxxx (auto-censured) cause they haven’t got a pretty openGl support . My only solution to find the speed again was to install Ubuntu in dual-boot. It was a bit hard to install the Ati drivers for Linux but now all run OK. I guess on a laptop it will be harder for driver support. But I didn’t found other tricks. ( I spend 1 week full to try all atioglxx.dll of the world. But nothing happen… Even all omega drivers. Now I wait for the devellopement of future Ati drivers / future Blender version / future Omega driver for Ati & Vista )
Vista is really a xxxx for all of this side.


Microsoft sucks - just a side note.

:yes: Sound more and more true to my ears.

Quoted for agreement :ba:

Oh but it’s not vista, it’s running xp pro. I did choose xp on purpose, I really didn’t want more problems than I could handle… But yeah, I might return to ubuntu, eventually in dual boot. I know from my brother that ATi drivers in linux can be a pain… But any suggestions are welcome, it’s kinda sad that blender runs so slow…


do latest ati drivers fix that problem?