The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

If you look at it then it’s more like collecting the infinity stones with this small piece of software who can do wonders, I like to believe by version 2.90 or so Blender will be something every other Software will look up to.

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This is a common mistake all new sculptors make (In Any Program). You are rushing to a higher resolution in your mesh too quickly. Keep it low poly until you have all your proportions correct and only then add resolution for the final details.


Been able to install the build now. It seems like Adaptive will break the symmetry of your model when used (the mesh doesn’t look the same on the opposite sides of the axis). It is however kind of cool, since it can create lots of sharp shapes when remeshing at lower densities. With some clever use you could come up with some quick hard surface pieces without having to put in a lot of effort sculpting them all out.

Okay, Pablo is most definitely reading this topic. XD


Damn, he’s so fast. That’s amazing. :smile:


Time for some Brecht love. I don’t know what exactly this does, but it seems to be performance related.

Brecht also made another comment where he mentions multithreading for MultiRes and Dyntopo. :slight_smile:


Yeah, there’s this task too Interesting stuff.


Blender sculpting is becoming so much fun. Made this in a couple of hours after downloading the patch provided by ramboblender. :smile:


Trying the adaptive thing myself, I do agree that it is a bit rough around the edges for organic or otherwise curvy shapes.

What it needs is a way to prevent skinny triangles and a way to apply highly localized smoothing to avoid shading artifacts. If there was a way to have fix poles working in spots not heavy with triangles that would be nice too.

Impressive. That was really fast.

And yes, now it works more like the dam_standard. :smiley:

One thing tho… I wish the pinch modifier was a little more stronger when the value is at 1. For some things, even with the value at 1 it feels like it’s not enough, and we can’t type values greater than 1 there. In zbrush the pinch at maximum is really extreme, so we have more range to play with, which is great.

Either way, the draw sharp brush is already more powerful now…


Oh Yaaaa. You know it, You the Dyntopo Crew!



Honestly, there are a bunch of settings that I feel should have a better max value. Like the Scrape brush, which I prefer to have at 1.5 at all times to create hard enough edges when trimming with it. Same with the Smooth brush, which should be around 2-3.

The pinch setting on the Draw Sharp brush I would like to see at setting 2, or maybe even 3 as the max value. I don’t know why Pablo thinks the results of adding the pinch settings to the Draw Sharp made the brush look worse, since the new one is the ideal crease brush for doing wrinkles and adding that extra sharpness to details.

Pablo, if you’re reading this, please add it to master. This is how ZBrush users expect it to work. :slight_smile:

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Seconded. I’m also still longing very much for a ZBrush Alternate smoothing algorithm that preserves volume. Right now I’m using a Clay brush with Autosmooth workaround, but that still doesn’t feel the same as the ZBrush smoothing algorithm when you release Shift.

The other thing I’m really longing for a lot is more or less related to the alternate smoothing algorithm: the ZBrush Polish tool (Tool ➔ Deformation section). I frequently used a slight Polish (slider value of 1 out of 100) to polish the sculpt in a non-destructive way, like a subtle Laplacian smooth, ironing out minor irregularities while keeping the overall shapes and details intact.

The Smooth option in Sculpt Mode’s Mesh Filter tool feels the same as Blender’s Smooth brush, eating away details and volume from the sculpt.

Also, I alternated Polish with the ClayPolish tool, especially when creating hard-surface sculpts. ClayPolish is very good in retaining edges, ridges and grooves while smoothing flat and curved parts of a surface. Such functions are the powertools of ZBrush, which I’d love to see in Blender Sculpt Mode.

I’m now going to burn some candles for this on my Pablo Dobarro altar.


Wouldn’t it be more consistent, if voxel remesher had “voxels per unit” parameter instead of “voxel size”?
Similar to how its done in dyntopo constant detail, larger number means more dense mesh.

Voxel size (in units) makes so much sense, though. I’d rather have them change the way constant detail is used. It confuses a lot of people from what I’ve seen and heard on Youtube. And who likes typing those tiny, tiny decimal numbers anyway?

Thank you very much for your detailed reply. This will surely help me a lot. As other users have pointed out, a lot of the standard settings for sculpt brushes are also far from ideal. So, that might be another thing that adds to my stack of issues with digital sculpting in Blender.

Yes, that is true. I feel like that huge difference in brush behaviour related to mesh density shouldn’t even exist, though.

I wonder if we will ever see small improvements/features like 5:30 in video.

You are free to create your own brushes with settings pertinent for quality of your graphic tablet.
But that does not necessary mean that those values are good defaults.

It also depends at what scale you are working and you are doing with.
If you give to me only a laptop with a trackpad or just a mouse and ask for a demo of sculpt mode : there is a big probability that I would set Smooth brush at 0.25 (to smooth strokes from a Clay Strips brush not using autosmooth, not to erase them).

My default is obviously not yours.
I agree that is not best example. Probably default behavior should be based on the most common graphic tablet.
Ideal interval of strength chosen should probably not expel some uses that you were not focusing on.
If the brush strength can go above 1 without producing problem, it provides a larger range of uses.
So I would modify interval to make a new 1 from current 2 or 3. I would just change soft limit of slider.

That is coherent. It looks like you forgot that Pablo created new falloff presets for brushes.
The idea behind combination Draw Sharp + a New Falloff preset is to obtain desired result easily without controlling an extra value like Pinch.
If you want to obtain a specific result, you probably already can by tweaking a crease brush, modifying its settings, a custom falloff and/or adding a texture to it.
And there is the long-term project to create nodebrushes, letting user creating their formula.
He probably wants to keep things simple until that moment happens.

Elastic brush has a volume preservation setting. But I don’t know if for a smooth, it is as easy to keep same responsiveness. Particularly, for a brush that can describe strokes crossing the entire screen.
Pablo probably avoided subject because of some difficulty.
But I think that people would accept to wait computations of a laplacian smooth as a mesh filter.

That is value used by algorithm created to remesh big volumes of objects or particles.
When you are doing that ; you are comparing voxel size wanted to known size of a particle or an volume remeshed.
So, in initial case that makes sense.
It is true that is weird when you are thinking about size of future details sculpted.
Probably, same eyedropper than one present for dyntopo detail size will be useful.
It would also make sense to have a shortcut to call a voxel size slider like for detail size.
Or maybe adding those things to right click menu instead of repeating sliders already present everywhere.

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Which features do you mean? Around 5:30 in the video I see:

  • Show wireframe, which is Object Properties ➔ Viewport Display ➔ Wireframe in Blender.
  • Radial Symmetry, which is available in Blender Tool settings tab ➔ Symmetry section.

Yeah, radial symmetry. Shows how much I’ve paid attention to settings. Never even noticed Blender had that, LOL.

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I said that the max value should be higher, not the default one. There is a difference. Having to type in a value to have a somewhat better max value setting for some brushes gets kind of annoying after a while. I just want to slide the strength value from 0 to 1 with stronger values covering that number range to avoid this problem. You can still have the old default behaviour by adjusting the value lower than it currently is for the same effect.

I already experiemented with the Draw Sharp values. The changes done to Falloff are good, but the added pinch setting behaves like the DamStandard brush from ZBrush, which is a pretty darn good brush. I am fine however with him just adding a brand new brush called Dam and keep Draw Sharp as it is. I disagree that it should be just a regular brush setting for Pinch until the nodes come into the picture along with a better brush manager. It’s a way too commonly used brush in ZBrush for it to be relegated to that.

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