The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

OK. I agree.
In fact, custom range is something that Blender is doing for shapekeys value.
It allows animator to define a negative minimum and a maximum that goes beyond 1.
That would be as pertinent for custom brushes.

If a sculptor never sets a brush strength under a certain minimal value, there is no reason to keep 0 as minimum value.
If he often goes above 1, there is no reason to impose 1 as maximum.
And if he never goes above 0.75, a custom maximum at 0.75 will simplify his life, too.

The goal is to obtain a better sculpt mode, not to compete with Zbrush or try to seduce its userbase.
We should focus if functionality is there or not.
Otherwise, there is a risk to discourage Pablo to continue by overloading him.

If you are persuaded that what you want can not be obtained by using a Crease brush instead of Draw Sharp, make a clear description of benefits.
That is the way to convince a developer that don’t share your view.
Just claiming that another software does it as is, does not prove that’s best choice for Blender.
That will not make him changes his mind.


Is there a roadmap for Multires? many of the new features if not all don’t work with it and the Performane in 2.79 is much better except Viewport Navigation which also good be improved.

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The new draw sharp isn’t in the master yet?

Yep, I agree.

In general, the maximum strength of most things in sculpt mode should at least be two times stronger than what we have now.

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Adjust your tablet to the blender. Everyone need there own defaults.

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You don’t get the point. It’s not about my defaults, it’s about how far blender can go.
The pinch modifier is a good example, you can’t go above 1. So that “1” should be 2 or 3 times more stronger. Got it?

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For me pinch is gets too strong for me if I set more than 0.7 or so. In zbrush pressure sensitivity always on. But in blender it’s not. We have tweak everything to get what we need.

You’re still not understanding, oh well.


You’re completely missing the point. To get a stronger value than 1 you need to type it in. This is the problem we’re having with the current method. Even with all my keybinds I can’t increase the strength above 1 without needing to type. Either you uncap this or simply increase the max value strength and squish the values so they fit a 0-1 range. You will still be allowed to have any setting you want while fixing our problem. Get it now?

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At least new brushes (except Pose brush), new falloffs and transform tools are working with multires.
He made options work with subdivision modifier.
That is probably a first step before attacking multires modifier.

There is 1.5 month of development before 2.81 release and for the moment no warning about multires modifier in release notes.
Sculpting tasks are marked as very important, to do asap. But it does not look like a roadmap was established.
They probably expect to do as much as they can before 2.81 release.
Probably, most of new stuff will not work with multires in 2.81 if they try to improve performances ; but maybe, we could expect new cursor and normal radius.


Just checked, it’s not there yet.

It is second brush in toolbar.
Last commit about Draw Sharp is two days old.

Ah, no. I know the draw sharp is there. I’m talking about the last “fixed” one, which has the pinch stuff.

That is what @Frozen_Death_Knight was talking about.
Patch was not commited. Pablo is not convinced.

I’m not sure about this change. This still needs to be tested to see if it improves the current version.
Now Draw Sharp is a version of the Crease that works using original coordinates.
(I think I prefer the old version)

It looks like he is waiting a review from Julien Kaspar.

Now I’m concerned. The advantages of having the pinch setting like the real dam_satandard is very clear. :upside_down_face:


I think that he is asking himself if it makes sense to create a new category of brush instead of adding an option to Crease brush to change its behavior.

This difference in density exists in Zbrush as well. It exists even in things such as filters in Photoshop. If you do a Blur filter in Photoshop set to an intensity of 10 on a 72 DPI image it affects the image more then the same filter on a 300 DPI image. That’s just basic mathematics and digital art is math at it’s core. A digital artist’s job is to know this and adjust for it.

It is not for nothing that Pablo has touched because in 2.8 it already happens, but it has to do with the cursor of the brush.
When the hairs are painted and the brush size is modified, the final size of the brush is multiplied or divided by two, depending on whether it becomes large or small.
In all other modes it does not happen.

On the other hand I find it difficult to make the brushes small, I suppose that with F and moving the cursor to the left is enough, but my brain moves down. I think it could be as follows:
reduce size = bottom or left.
increase size = top or right.

I often use the ol’ Photoshop bracket shortcut keys ( ‘[’ and ‘]’ ) to resize my brush in Blender Sculpt Mode.

As aditional option, yes. As replacement huge no.