The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

I love Pablo but he does have some of the worst takes at times.

Speaking categorically. Dyntopo is and remains in previous versions. You can sit there, but, I emphasize, but without new features. Would you agree to that…? I mean, or dyntopo or new functions.
I can see it that way. Pablo do double work when it starts adding new functions.Because of the dirty hack in code Dyntopo.

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Oh yeah, thanks for sharing!

Below FUTURE paragraph one can find Texture Mesh Filter section and that’s exactly what I would envison.

That’s the video clip from linked article.



It’s currently on low priorioty.


this plus procedural textures plus good performance will kill the world
can’t wait


I hope @pablodp606 will add some slider to pinpoint a precise value you’ll apply on other subjects, since moving around the mouse it’s faster yet it become clumsy at some point.

Modifiers: Subsurf modifier and Multires modifier add option to preserve and interpolate custom normals:


This has long been a problem for rendering toon shaded characters. It’s usually faster to add the custom normals to the mesh before subsurf is added, but you lose them afterward. I’m glad to see it’s finally being fixed.

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Really great, NPR really needs some love on blender, from what I heard softimage used to rule on that area.


The cloth brush has just been committed to master:



That is a little bit weird. Stroke method is Space method. But user has to anticipate Simulation limit.
If it was possible to have a dynamic Simulation limit working with Anchored method, that would be more intuitive.

Falloff of Cloth brush is a sphere. That means that Simulation limit is radius of a sphere.
If you do a stroke longer than Simulation limit, you reveal perfectly circular Simulation Limit.
If that frustrates you, you will increase Simulation limit to be as wide as area you want to treat.
Issue is that area will not be a surface, but a volume. Front Faces Only can help a little bit.
But if you want to limit effect to surface you see, you have to do only short strokes or make an intense use of mask.

I think it will be interesting to try to limit volume of simulation by using a sculpt plane.

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Hope developers are going to grab the opportunity to make something similar to Marvelous designer since blender have all the require elements.


Support the dev.


This one is good too:


Can’t wait to see what the community makes with this!!


Not sure if this is the place for this, but I’m using dynamic paint and a heavily damped wave modifier to make a sphere push an indented path along a desert, and a thought occurred - what if there was a sculpt brush modifier, or the dynamic paint modifier had a ‘sculpt’ option?

Basically, you’d be able to animate an object to act as the brush, and it would sculpt the surface.


Agree this guy is the closest so far but it’s still very far from the capabilities of MD but maybe it will get closer with time and of course i will support him.

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Actually, Dynamic Paint can displace surface.
After Particle nodes done, modifiers will become nodes.
Pablo has also announced that Brush behavior will also be defined by nodes.

That should be possible in several years.


Ahh you guys got me here. Tobe honest my sculpting workflow is very Zbrushy :sweat_smile:

I wanna make a short movie and use blender to do the work cloth wrinkles .
Name of the movie is spiderman 7, found a song from youtube and i dont know if the Licence is CC0.