The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

I’m now convinced the BF thinks the Sculpt mode is just some pet project to try wild ideas on, but never finish them.

God bless the sculpt mode dev(s?) who work on it and try to bring some sense into the higher ups, because it must be really tiresome.

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Ton should dedicate some manpower/money into sculpt and especial texture/vertex paint modes. Should be possible but i guess the priority is rather low even though the problems are known.

I think the Blender Studio should work on a project similar to “Irradiation” (short film by Sava Zivkovic) or lets say a short film which isn’t stylized and simple (geometry and texture wise).

That will clearly show how much Blenders Sculpt and Paint modes fall behind in comparison to other programs.


25 posts were split to a new topic: On Open Movies and Blender Development

Yeah i’d love to see contracts like this but for blender developers!

And the bounty are very small (sure it’s not as popular as Blender) : 20, 70, 50 $…

Imagine the platform:
users would donate to a virtual volts assigned to a feature, and if the developer or multiple developers get their code committed while respecting the feature criteria they get the money


When Pablo published his blog post, people blamed him that he’s proposing something that nobody cares, agree or understand. To the point that Dalai and other people more familiar with his proposal needed to explain it.
Now it’s somehow the other way around. :upside_down_face:

Apart from occasional bug fixes and patch review there are 2 people who worked on Sculpt mode recently

  • Pablo who was the one presented this project to higher ups
  • Joseph who admires Pablo design decisions and takes his work as a basis for technical implementation.

So no, there are no devs that think “higher ups make no sense”. They themself are the “bad guys”.

I don’t see the basis to conclude it’s not happening since 3.0 is like a week only in bcon3. Locking 3.0 feature set is a start for dev time distribution.
And “Final decisions on the proposal and editmodes are pending a design and review workshop with contributors, which is tba” doesn’t look like “low priority”. I don’t think we get workshop on low priority projects. :slightly_smiling_face:

As Sergey told on a Sprite Fright after party stream Ton wants him on another project since Cycles-X is “complete” (ofc its a joke). That is not to say that he’s gonna work on that project but that before moving forward it was important to finish 3.0 pending projects.


Hey folks… I just split the discussion about open movies to its own thread. Please continue discussion on that topic there.


Blender users aren’t a monolithic, who would have thought? I’d argue that Pablo’s proposal wasn’t something that he came up entirely on his own, but something which was discussed with other devs and thought out due to how some “ways of progression” (like redeveloping from the ground up, maybe using different data formats for sculpt mode, I don’t know, I don’t follow development as closely as you seem to) being basically blocked. He had to propose/work thinking about the restrictions of the code and of what the main reviewers would allow to be pushed into the main code. But that’s just my wild guess.

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“Writing every negative opinion off as ‘spoiled brats’ is childish in itself, and unfair to those(the vast majority, I would say) with honest and genuine feedback.”

I did not say this. I was saying that spoiled brats are spoiled brats. Genuine feedback should be always appreciated. Attacking devs because they didn’t meet someone’s criteria is not ok, and shouldn’t be regarded as “it’s just the way it is”, so to those people, yes, “spoiled brats” seem to serve well.


Toning down the “normal radius” on the clay strips brush brings it closer to the clay buildup brush in zbrush am i right? Or should i tweak other settings too?

I really enjoy the clay buildup brush in ZBrush so i try to get a similar experience in Blender.

Joseph is currently moving to get sculpt vertex colors out of experimental (in other words, making it production ready). There were a number of commits made today.
:gear: D12587 Move Sculpt Colors From Experimental (


Might it still be delayed due to lack of UI/naming decision making?

Joe improved sculpt.brush_stroke operator configuration in sculpt-dev branch.

That operator corresponds to stroke creation by pressing left click.
It allows to modify stroke behavior by using a combination of left click + a modifier key.
In master, we just have 3 modes (Regular, Invert, Smooth).
They correspond to simple left click, subtracting volume by pressing Ctrl + Left Click or smoothing by pressing Shift+Left Click.

Now, in sculpt_dev branch, you can choose any tool category instead of those limited 3 modes.

That way, you can use a modifier key to use any brush active in chosen category slot instead of active brush. That can be handy to call more complementary brushes : paint brush, mask brush, draw face sets brush, pose brush, etc…


I have watched about a dozen sculpting tutorials between 2019 and today that just go over each and every brush… It’s overwhelming. I retained none of the info. It’s just too much. The community needs a “how all the brushes work” tutorial that has absolutely nothing in common with all the tutorials that came before because they seem to not really be of much help to a lot of people in the comments on such videos.


If you look at all the new brush options in the latest Sculpt Dev builds, I’m afraid the confusion is going to get a lot worse. :neutral_face: But maybe some of those options are just temporary experiments, and will be merged with other options and/or removed again.

If there were massive tool tips for each setting that included images and even video (like what zbrush has for some things) maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.


Fully agreed. I hope @joeedh reads along. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I found that the manual is a good place to see what every option is for, so maybe that text can be in a tooltip or something like that, but it can be tedious for the developers, maybe the community can help out? I feel that Joseph is doing so much I’m afraid he can get burnout…


Great news!
I’ve currently set up an alt-masking brush with Pie Menu Editor, but it’ll be nice to get this and others on a base install

I’d be open to contribute to a thread where we experiment with every brush on like a weekly rotation, finding what all the functions do and how they can be used/abused ,and condensing those comments down to a tooltip/manual entry.
It would have to be structured, but I expect it could work.


Improving tooltips (and how to) might be a topic for you @Pablo_Vazquez :blush:

A big problem with explaining the brushes at this stage is that it is going to be extremely outdated in the next couple of years with how brush management is going to be changed. Not to mention that the current amount of brushes is just a taste of all the possible brushes you can make. It takes ages to set them up inside of your own Blender version since you can’t share brush collections between users in a simple and straightforward way.

Blender needs the new brush management system in place as well as an updated and easily sharable collection of brushes before I would even consider making any Blender sculpting tutorial myself. With there being plans of porting all brushes to a nodes system, that’s going to be a lot of extra work I would have to make just to get back my entire brush collection.

So yeah, good idea, but not very practical at the moment if you desire a tutorial that is going to stand the test of time.