The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

New software project has been revealed! It’s a retopology app for the iPad called CozyBlanket.


I hate manual retopo. Too boring and time-consuming. I’ll stick to Quad Remesher / ZRemesher. :slightly_smiling_face:


Same here. I still hope for a great native auto remesher within Blender in the not so distant future. =)


Preferably, it would also be usable like Max’ retopology modifier…
E: So not just an auto retopo, but also the modifier.


I Agree. It doesn’t look like you want to retopo that dragon manually like in the video. Hopefully this is just a alpha preview and more automatic fill tools comes with time.


How feasable would it be to start a fundraiser/ kickstarter to hire a dev for auto retopo? How much would need to be raised? I think it could be something to achieve as community. :thinking:

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There’s already a lot of auto retopo tools, free, paid and built-in to Blender. Do we really need more? It’s already getting crowded.

edit: Oh, do you mean funding a dev for Blender? I guess whenever I see “fundraiser/kickstarter” I think third party. :slight_smile:

And yeah, I strongly suggest Quad Remesher as well, it’s very affordable. I do wish the developer would update more often, development seems pretty glacial. I would think it would be very popular so they’re getting a lot of income but maybe not.

I’d suggest anyone who has a little budget to buy Quad Remesher. It’s simply the best auto-retopo algorithm and has never been superseded or even equaled (although I believe the recently added 3ds Max auto-retopo modifier is quite good as well, as is 3D-Coat’s Autopo).

Hobbyists can buy a Perpetual Indie non-commercial license for $ 59.90, and anyone who earns money using Blender can buy a Perpetual Pro license for $ 109.90. As someone who comes from the world of 3ds Max and its expensive plug-ins I can tell you that’s quite a bargain.


None of those “auto retopo tools” produce any production ready worthy model reliably.

That dragon model is 19M+. I don’t think QuadRemesher can handle that.

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And nothing ever will automatically. It’s always going to have to be edited by hand.

It can do it easily if you bring it in to ZBrush and use Quad Remesher there. :smiley: The limitation would be a Blender issue, not Quad Remesher’s.

Specifically, Blender doesn’t cater to closed source addons which is how the Quad Remesher developer wants to protect their algorithms which is fine. However, Blender has terrible data i/o support for addons as well as scene manipulation.


Quad Remesher is just amazing! It’s pretty fast and does a good job almost always (it even allows using hard edges and materials as guides for the loops).

It may seem expensive but hey, you are just paying for avoiding hours and hours of tedious, manual retopo in the next years (at least I see it that way).

This YouTuber has a few videos talking about the add-on for anyone interested…


Just contemplating here, if everyone who has a need for an automatic retopo donates the money over to the Blender foundation, everyone who’s on a tight budget would be able to benefit, including students. Besides, it would be fully integrated in Blender. Doesn’t QuadRemesher suffer from moving data over from Blender to the dedicated .exe for QuadRemesher?

@Metin_Seven maybe you should test Max’ retopology modifier, I have read it is supposed to be the best one out there. Admittedly, I have not done any sculpting beyond testing some brushes in Blender to begin with, so can’t really talk from experience here.

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Don’t forget what Joseph said here guys :wink:

“Note the order of items may change based on user feedback.”

I would certainly vote for

“3. New quad remesher.”

to be moved from “Long Term” to “Near Term” :sweat_smile:
Also I hope the newest state of the art papers like would be used for such important feature :pray:


Then you’re at the mercy of whenever the Blender developers decide to dedicate time to it, which is basically what you have right now. You’re paying for something you might get, some day vs. paying for something that does work now.

Yes but I’d say Blender bears the brunt of the blame with not supporting fast data i/o or inter-process communication for addons. The slow and limited Blender<->Python interface hinders this quite a bit. The Quad Remesher addon for Blender exports and then re-imports an FBX file if I remember correctly.

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Fbx is the worst combo. OBJ just got an upgrade, maybe they consider it.

Does the quadremesher add-on has guides or anyone used it with characters? Last time i tried, it failed miserable and was only usable for other assets…

OBJ is a terrible format for this. That 19M+ Dragon would produce an enormous file because OBJ is uncompressed text. It’s also a very basic file format, not really suitable for supporting advanced functionality. This is not an argument FBX is any better. :smiley:


Page 12(included the section relevant to Blender):

Guides can be defined by multiple ways:

  • The boundaries of Materials. (3dsMax, Maya, modo, Blender, C4D)
    In this case, the “Use Materials” option must be enabled

If you need to rig and animate your model, yes, but for final sculpts and UV unwrapping, ZRemesher / Quad Remesher works just fine.

Quad Remesher = ZRemesher, and ZRemesher can definitely handle 19+ million polygons. Also, you can always decimate a model prior to using QR / ZR. Blender’s Decimate modifier does a great job retaining all necessary details while cutting down the amount of polygons considerably.


Maybe we can find someone who wants to get a PhD in computer science by creating a remesher :thinking:


I still think Joe Eagar should shine his light upon Autoremesher. It’s open source and almost as good as QR / ZR. Just needs refinement, especially for lower poly count retopo.