The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

If a person can’t provide criticism/feedback in a way the devs can actually use then it’s useless noise. People familiar with sculpting are probably familiar with ZBrush’s interfaces, so just posting “Blender should do it this way while pointing at a ZBrush screenshot” is pointless. Provide feedback or criticism with Blender screenshots and mockups. Yes, it’s a lot more work but that’s how you get the attention of the developers.

What addons are these? What would native provide over these addons? What are your specific needs that these addons don’t or can’t currently address?


Sounds like a candidate for a custom operator :wink:


What part of

You didn’t understand? I’m against people being overly defensive, which our community is FULL of. We seem to have more people who are more “Blenderers” than they are “3D Artists”.

Brush Manager for Blender: does exactly what the name suggests, used to be pay as you want, now it’s $3+, still worth it
GrabDoc: makes it much easier to create custom alphas from meshes
Sculpt Alphas Manager: allow to select a folder with the alphas and gives a nice menu with categories, the dev was also nice enough to make a suggestion over at Right Click Select:

The reason we need these to be either native or at least in the list of officially supported addons is so that they don’t break on each minor Blender update. Sculpt Alpha Manager for example isn’t working on newer Blender versions.

“Heavy” Blender users also have to remember that most professional 3D Artists aren’t (or shouldn’t be) single trick dogs, we also aren’t using Blender 24/7 and requiring that we be extremally specific about what how and when we need certain feature when there are perfectly good examples from other programs is absurd. Developers from any software should at least be knowledgeable of features from competing tools, so I don’t really see where the issue is to show other apps as examples.


You can look at Artstation to see that many awesome 3D models from higly skilled artists are made with many software.

I’m not jalous at all, why you feel attacked ?
I would not post ideas here if i was not interested in Blender to become lot better intuitive for sculpting.

I just tried Blender to check if i could use it for some 3D work, as i know already it’s interface and workflow from long time. I just found Blender sculpting lacking intuitive and fast features common to many sculpting apps as i was way more faster and efficient in 3D coat.

Blender was not build from ground to be artist friendly unlike Zbrush or 3D coat, while it can reach same workflow level with some work ( IMM brush, extract selected surface as alpha, one click add object to library panel, quick access panels for alphas and textures … )

And i never said people don’t use Blender for sculpting pro work, indeed they can, all depend on your needs, time and budget.

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There’s also a lot of people around here who attribute a lot more emotion to posts than there actually is. No one is getting defensive or feeling attacked but whenever people are criticized for the way they are presenting their feedback/criticism they sure like to attribute the response to one or another.

Blender devs have already committed to not breaking Python with minor releases anymore so this should be a moot point.

Asking for officially supported addons or native support is asking for more from the developers. It means more testing, more design, more code to update, more code to consider when making changes, more of everything. And it’s not like the core Blender developer count is growing as fast as the software is.

Don’t take me wrong, this isn’t an argument against modernizing these features, they absolutely should be. However, we as users of a free software have to do more than the bare minimum of just asking. We should attempt to pick up as much of the slack as we can(especially the non-development parts), if we want to be taken seriously and seek to inspire change.

And a lot of “light” Blender users sure want Blender to turn into their favorite software but free. :wink:

Maybe you’re not aware but you’re not allowed to post pictures of commercial software on the Blender developer forums or the bug reporter. They take copyright and patents extremely seriously and do not want to run afoul of either.


Maybe a silly question, but can you hotkey the Stabilise Stroke toggle? By typing in the python tooltip command “Brush.use_smooth_stroke” I don’t get a valid command in the keymap editor…

use_smooth_stroke is a Stroke property of the Brush you’re using, not an operator so that won’t work. I don’t see an operator for one in the search either.

Stabilise Stroke toggle has an hotkey by default.
If you switch filter type from Nam to Key-Binding and type shift S.
You will see pop-up default shortcuts for different modes (Weight Paint, Vertex Paint, Image Paint, Sculpt).
For each mode, toggle is a context toggle. But Context Attributes to precise are relative to the mode.

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What blender version are you running (release/master/sculpt dev)?

Ah, yes I see. It’s “tool_settings.sculpt.brush.use_smooth_stroke”
Knew it was there somewhere, thanks!

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Where is this mapping usable in Sculpt without disabling the Shift S for Smooth Brush mapping?

Use Key-Binding filter, type Shift S.
You will see 2 shortcuts in Keymap Tab for Sculpt mode.

Pablo did not suppress shortcut for stabilizer when he created shortcut mapped to Shift S for Smooth Brush.
You just have to modify keymap for one of those shortcuts to have two working shortcuts for both operations.

Joe will merge some sculpt-dev branch brushes in master. I suppose that he will try to add shortcuts to some of them. So, when it will be done, we would have to ask for a coherent keymap for sculpt mode.


Okay that’s what I thought but wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something subtle. Thanks!

@zeauro @obsurveyor Just in case you didn’t know… this: tool_settings.sculpt.brush.use_smooth_stroke doesn’t work in the sculpt dev branch anymore… Last I checked it was broken…

In master it’s fine tho… :confused:


Yes. You are right. Shortcut has been broken by new organization of brush engine.
Brush settings python path are referring to brush channels, now.
And it looks like it is not possible to create custom shortcuts for brush settings added by Joe, too.

According to recent commits, Joe is still modifying core organization of brush engine.
So, I suppose that we just have to wait.

To be honest I’ve reverted to working with the Master builds. The Sculpt Dev builds are a tad too experimental for me, with an amount of brush options that is too chaotic for me.

In the mean time I’m still much enjoying my rediscovery of 3D Coat. It’s a really nice companion sculpting tool next to Blender.


I also think it’s a bit of a letdown that ever since Pablo decided to start a separate Sculpt Dev build, the frequency of Sculpt Mode additions to the Master builds has been considerably reduced. The Sculpt Dev build feels like a separated playground for new experiments, while Sculpt Mode progress for the main Blender releases has come to a halt. I know that Joe has received a grant and things will hopefully get into a higher gear again, but at the moment we’re hearing crickets chirping in the main Blender’s Sculpt Mode.

I know this is not what the unconditional Blender apostles like to hear, but I think it’s good to always remain critical.


As a Blender user since the 2.5 days I’d say the sculpt mode has been stagnant for years… Fortunately Pablo had complete freedom to do what he wanted because it allowed him not only to add great tools and improvements but also to put the spotlight back on the sculpting tools; but in reality there hasn’t been an actual plan for the module in a long time. I hope this year we start to see a bit more planning on the module; polishing of current tools, UI, workflow and performance improvements are the most needed I think, even if that means we’ll see less shiny new features.


I am currently working doing sculptures for 3d printing and thats thanks to the work that Pablo and Joe did, and that is amazing. Now Im using the last build of the temp multires branch, before the merge with scultp dev branch, just because dyntopo is a lot faster than the newest builds, and allow me to add finer details in the meshes with no problem, and I dont know why that happend.
I only hope that all the work that Pablo and Joe did wasn’t just a waste of time. I still miss the particle nodes haha.


It’s really a lot better and faster to work with now, let’s hope Joe’s improvements get added to master soon :nerd_face: