The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

What are the features of that temp-multires branch compared to 3.1 alpha?

I think he fixed the performance a week ago with mutlires in the sculptdev branch.

A plan for the sculpt module would be nice and a blog post is already planned so lets wait for that. The new vertex paint is not going in 3.1 but maybe 3.2.


I tried the last build and its a little bit better but dyntopo in the temp_bmesh_multires build is still a lot faster.

Dyntopo performance is better in the last temp_bmesh_multires build compared to the new builds.

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Without honest critics things will never improve… :wink:


temp_bmesh_multires branch was not updated since September.
Joe in Sculpt-dev branch had to deal with UVs preservation and colors painting.
That kind of stuff is not as well supported in temp_multires branch.

If you enable Ignore UVs option, you will loose UVs adaptation but you should observe a performance boost.
Topology Rake is also in Curvature mode by default.Temp-bmesh_multires branch topology rake mode would correspond to Stroke mode.

In Sculpt_dev branch, there are a lot of fixes and a lot of brush settings available.
Regressions could be due to some of them. And I am not sure that Joe completely merged into sculpt-dev branch the whole work done in temp_bmesh_multires.
According to roadmap task, some performance boosts are planned for after merge of sculpt-dev into master.

New UI allows to precise Pressure, Tilt, Angle, Random, Speed and Distance curves for each slider.
But except that, there are not so many differences in terms of amount of settings available between sculpt-dev branch and temp_bmesh_multires branch.

  • Sculpt-dev branch has FallOff presets for Autosmooth and Topology Rake.
  • It has a Smooth Raking option and should respect normals better and produce a cleaner collapsing of vertices.
  • It has a very cool auto-faceset feature and recent normal auto-masking modes.

What is confusing is rather the UI split into a simplified tab with a brush panel (containing associated subpanels) and an advanced tab to edit it, with only panels (except for Workspace Preview Panel).
So, brush tab is not really dedicated to brush. Workspace and Addons panels are doubled under this tab.
And I have to say that is very time consuming to try to adapt dispatching of settings between 3d viewport header, right click menu and workspace tab brush by brush.
Simply because we have a lot of brushes with a lot of settings.
That is a lot more confusing and complicated than if we could use a node editor to create custom brushes.
I hope that a satisfying design to display brush settings will come up soon.

Since the beginning, main difference of sculpt-dev has been experimental brushes that Pablo developed when Joe was working on temp_bmesh_multires branch performance.

The only way to help Joe to track regressions is to test sculpt_dev branch and investigate if some setting changes are impacting performance a lot or not.


That makes me super sad and slightly angry to be honest. :neutral_face:

Fresh notes from sculpt meeting:


I wonder how often people write Joe “Eager”. It will probably be the story of his life. :blush:

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Pick one:

  • ayy
  • oof
  • yike
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@Metin_Seven Are you still working with BF? If yes, can you be part of those sculpting module meetings?
I think It needs some zbrush blood… :smile:


I really hope someone can fill Pablo’s shoes and good luck to current people developing sculpt forward to future. Without Pablo’s sculpt, Blender would be much more behind of commercial sculpt tools.


Mixed with a bit of Mudbox UI :ok_hand::nerd_face:


Nope, my time as a BF Technical Artist has expired. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think anyone who’s interested to contribute input is welcome to join those meetings. If I’m not mistaking that’s the case with the Render Meetings and Animation Meetings. You just have to apply to join I guess. It would correspond to the openness of the Blender project.

Heheheh. :grin: I’m currently contributing some feedback to the 3D Coat forum and Discord channels. The more I experiment with 3DC, the less I miss ZBrush. Currently, I’m using Blender only for materials and rendering, while keeping an eye on Sculpt Mode progress.


That’s the last thing it needs lmao

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“Maxon Blender”, now available for only $99 / month!

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i’m pretty fond of hitting ctrl+s to save the project like a normal goddamn human being myself!


It is a big patch that showed a need for some design changes and in-depth review (to make sure it works well with the other big developments going on like Everything Nodes). The thing is the devs. can’t just delay the release indefinitely in light of the approval process because it would block the rest of the team from getting other big projects ready to merge for the next cycle.


Out of genuine curiosity - do we have any for 3.1? (Apart from some geo nodes additions and some lib override bugfixing)

I’m a bit out of the loop these days.

Do you ask specifically about Sculpt or in general?