The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 1)

Some retopo action already happening… :wink:
I like how it’s part of the edit mode… thing feels more unified and intuitive… :slightly_smiling_face:
Too bad they will bury it into a brand new mode… :slightly_frowning_face:


Wouldn’t hurt to have a similar tool in sculpt mode too, to compete with zbrush’s topology brush/zspheres topology. :stuck_out_tongue:


I think another key issue is that last year when Pablo left there was no more official development on the module. And there is still no head of the module. Joe was the only one hired to work part-time on it this year, and now Jeroen joined for the Paint Mode development. So there was no active communication because there was nobody to talk to for a while.
Right now I’m also just get to spend minimal time and every other free minute I get to work on the designs.

The development for now also heavily focuses on Paint Mode, to get that done as soon as possible.
So it’s hard to say when actual Sculpt Mode improvements will be a development target again.
The most likely thing to happen is that Joe will eventually have time to create patches based on sculpt-dev features.

Decisions like the new voxel remesher defaults were purely to avoid Blender from freezing & crashing on higher poly-counts. It’s a temporary band-aid for the Blender 3.2 release, until we have the time to improve the remesher performance properly.
(EDIT: Right now it can be the difference between 7 minutes vs 5 seconds of remeshing, just by toggling the Fix Poles option)


Thanks for the clarification Julien. Good to see you and @joeedh responding in this thread, appreciated. :+1:


That brings absolutely nothing new.
It seems to rely a lot on modal keymaps of the tool.
That does not seem faster than being familiar with current keymaps of basic tools.
Select an edge and use Ctrl Right click. Quad is created faster.
Use Alt W to have Tweak tool as select tool to adjust vertex position quickly.
Use K shortcut to call knife.

I changed defaults of Tweak tool.
I disabled deselect on nothing (that is pertinent for select box. not tweak tool).
And I enabled extend. To deselect, I just have to double click on nothing.
Good defaults for Tweak tool is the only thing that is needed to recover Blender’s modelling speed.
Users of Right click select keymap don’t have those problems.

That is a little bit despairing to see devs loosing time on creating a useless tool when a left click keymap with good defaults could solve the problem.
What I would expect from a geopen tool is to be able to trace a strip of a dozen of quads or vertices in one glimpse.

Creating vertices, one by one, is a modelling habit from 30 years ago.


I don’t think it’s useless…
Imo, being able to perform all of that with just one tool is already more intutive and comfortable than switching to a bunch of other tools to perform those related tasks… It’s not always about speed, quality of life matters… :wink:

I certainly would like to have that tool working inside of sculpt mode, or at least something curve based similar to this :point_down:


But hey, I believe this is just a baby tool, probably more features will be added to it and more (faster) tools will be created in the future…


I don’t think that is more intuitive or comfortable.
You have to learn modal keymaps of this active tool.
Those modal keymaps can interfere with other basic operators.
In both cases, comfort is based on fluidity of keymap.

That is just more discoverable for people who did not get what tools can be called using regular keymaps.

We had retopo paint tool in edit mode in 2.43.

It disappeared in 2.5 refactor to become official Bsurfaces addon using grease pencil.

It should be possible to obtain what you want by producing a derivate of Bsurface addon.
Addition needed is simply to solidify, give thickness to generated surface, and switch to sculpt mode instead of edit mode of generated surface (or switch to sculpt mode and mask if surface generated is part of original mesh).

Since that period, we are stuck with the use of annotations, GP strokes or curves.
We don’t have an equivalent that would not require to activate an addon, or deal with a tool or an object that has another purpose.
I really would like Bsurfaces ability as a more intuitive active tool, present by default.


Just to let everyone know: I opened up the sculpt-paint-texture channel on for general discussions. Anyone is now welcome to share their workflows, ideas and suggestions:
I will stay the admin of the channel and make sure voices are being heard. Other devs will also stick around there.

EDIT: This of course isn’t meant to replace community channels like this one. It will make it just easier to have quick loose discussions closer to the development of Blender and for devs to interact with the community a bit closer as well.
Here on the other hand it’s possible to share footage of proprietary software and messages won’t get lost over time.

Any official in-module discussions will now take place in #sculpt-paint-texture-module. All that will still remain public but will focus way more on development discussions between devs.

For RCS I’ll also check in more often and involve myself in responding to suggestions and tagging them properly :+1:


To me, the less I switch tools the better (not to mention modes hehehe)…

That geometry pen reminds of c4d’s polypen… lot’s of potential and room for improvements there, not just for retopo but for modeling in general as well…

That should be interesting…


I know I ask this all the time. My apologies, guys.

Any new update about Multires and vertex paint? Also face sets with Multires? I think if I remember correctly, face sets isn’t possible with Multires from a coding point of view?


Vertex paint support for multires is a must have feature. Needs to be high priority imo.

But sadly no news but i believe the devs gonna rewrite the multires code in the future.


There are things from c4d’s polypen that I would like to see in Blender.
But, to me, it is not necessary to copy full set, that is represented by this set of tools.

At the moment, that a tool has modal keymaps, not just to tweak a setting of its effect but to entirely change its behaviour : it is no more one tool. It is a set of tools.

And a too much complicated set of tools, most of time, is forcing you to only operate with tools present in the set. You can not combine them with any other tool according to your needs.
That is the case for more complicated tools in edit mode : knife and polybuild tool.
Knife is a mode that you enter by first click. And you have to quit it to do anything else.
Polybuild tool has shortcuts overriding the ones of the tools that are interesting to combine with it.
It would be interesting to combine it with path select and extrude at cursor.
But the tool uses Ctrl key to create a tri.

You are more versatile if combination is fluent.
Currently, we can keep most frequently used tool as active tool and call the others with one keymap.
That is not really a switch. Left click still does the same thing, after validation of last action.
But a complicated active tool that requires to press a key to switch behaviour behind left click : that is a real switch. If UI has to change, too, that is rather a kind of submode.
And maybe switch would be forced to be done by browsing effetcs in UI rather than using a shortcut.
That could be as slow as browsing filter type of a filter in sculpt mode.

I am not saying that modes should stay as they are and no more tools are needed.
With growth of amount of tools, creation of default subsets, submodes will become inevitable.
But ideally, a tool should be the simplest most basic operation.
And users should be able to create custom subsets, submodes that are fitting their workflow.
Instead of being forced to rely on default submodes, that will generate frustration among users.

But the discussion already occured when Pablo published the idea of custom modes in his article about asset creation workflow.

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Recently, the work was about releasing Sculpt Vertex Colors as an official feature for Blender 3.2.
Currently, Joe is working on Roll mapping for brush textures.

After creation of paint brushes similar to sculpt brushes, next period will be to realize the new paint mode.
In design of this mode, masks will be refactored to be stored. And masks are supported by multires.
Julian said that globally, that for this mode, multires support is planned.


Agreed. Does Multires require a rewrite for vertex color support? I am guessing its not going to be an easy task to undertake for the dev team. More power to them.

@zeauro Thanks for the info. Great news. Love the direction paint mode is taking. Roll mapping is a great feature. Glad to know its been added. Thanks to Joe.

Yeah, masks are supported by Mulitres so if Mask can be stored, it can be used to create textures indirectly. Thats a very brilliant idea until we get vertex color support in future :+1:


Hopefully this isn’t much of a tangent, but does anyone else who uses drawing tablets (most of you I expect) have a problem where if the pen isn’t hovering above the tablet and you press any shortcut in the keyboard it simply doesn’t work?

This occurs mostly when I have to use both hands for some longer shortcuts and have to lift the drawing hand of my tablet to use it. It’s kind of a pain.

I’m using a Huion tablet with Wintab (but I have the same problem using Windows Ink, and also when I had a Wacom).

Are you sure the cursor is still in the 3D view when you take the pen away? I’m guessing it’s getting moved out of position so the 3D view doesn’t get the shortcut.

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That was my initial thought, but it’s still in the 3D view when I press the shortcuts.

Do you have a mouse hooked up too or is the pen the only cursor input device? Trying to remember if the cursor goes away entirely when you only have the pen because shortcuts work fine for me when I remove my pen.

Yes, I don’t use a mouse (for anything actually). I noticed that the sculpting circle disappears shortly after I lift my pen. It doesn’t matter whether it’s on top of the 3d model being sculpted or on some empty space on the viewport.

This same problem happens on other modes, the difference being there’s no visual indication, like the sculpting circle disappearing. So I guess I should report this to some more general bug place.

This might be because of this bug with wintab: basically you can’t use any shortcut because when you lift the pen the cursor jumps to the edge of the screen.

The only solution I found for now is to use windows ink.


That’s it! I got confused because it seems to not work even with Windows Ink on my other machine (but I probably didn’t test it correctly). I actually hate “Windows Ink”. It messes up with some of my browser navigation habits (it also adds a bunch of unnecessary things I really don’t need, and can’t disable), but oh well, at least it’s working great inside Blender now! Thank you!