The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 2)

Looks like another almost 20 year Zbrush veteran and game industry artist has jumped fully aboard the Blender sculpt mode train. :laughing: These examples are quite inspiring to see. I’m sure there’s some serious initial pain involved, but thinking to the future, a few years from now, is this my ultimate direction too? It’s the first time I’ve actually considered it, but maybe Zbrush is on borrowed time? Does ZB have a future? It’s gone as far as it can and maybe the Maxon factor was the sign I needed to rethink things?
The last piece of the puzzle is a fully functioning and seamlessly integrated(in workflow terms) sculpt mode. Everything else is already there in Blender. Maybe Blender is the futureproof option?
Anyway, It’s definitely food for thought for me. As long as I don’t end up in software purgatory like @Metin_Seven :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: