The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 2)

Bro acuérdate que este en un forum en inglés , xd


I wonder if the ancient Greeks ever thought the same? :grin:
Sculpting will always be a thing. Because people love to sculpt, whether for payment or pleasure.


I wasn’t talking about sculpting in general especially in the real world. I specifically said :

and by that I mean millions of polys that use to be a requirement especially for smaller details like skin pores, wrinkles e.t.c. I said ‘‘might’’ not will :smile: Can’t people speculate anymore :laughing:

I myself enjoy sculpting and I love making my assets myself. :slightly_smiling_face:

I was just speculating especially with AI stuff hovering around like the image to 3d models and Gaussian Splatting stuff and how their influence and use might be in the next 5 to 10 years as well as the Uniform sculpting app. That’s why I said that.

Of course, sculpting software is still gonna be around for us in the next 5 or maybe 10 years.

I also know this. I sculpt myself. I was just wondering how things would be. I also agree with you that Multires and dynotopo are important. I said I have a feeling. I didn’t say it was a fact.

Someone mentioned to me that some companies are already reaching out to Pablo to look into how they can incorporate the Uniform sculpting app into their pipeline. I don’t know how true that is. If it is, that’s pretty cool.

The app also does full sculpting…I think, the normal sculpting thing is just another cool feature it has.

me :grin::

Who knows, Pablo Debarro’s new app might get there first :wink:


pablo hates Dynotopo joe . joe im still waiting my layers

Ok, well that has been the case for years already. All the way back to when Mari was built for LOTR. Displacement through texturing on a relatively low subdiv level mesh has been a popular workflow for that long. Then along came Surface Mimic and TexturingXYZ.
Same case for the games industry, Substance Painter has been used for similar workflows for many years. So this is nothing new.
However, even though these workflows have been available a long time, a lot of artists still prefer the feedback from sculpting form breakup and tertiary detailing rather than doing it through texturing.

Yes, I took you a bit out of context for the sake of the Greek joke, so maybe that was a cheap shot. Apology offered. :smile:


That’s is very true.

No need to apologize, mate :slightly_smiling_face: I appreciate the banter here. It was a joke.
No worries :laughing:


At least I’m pretty sure they considered digital sculpting as a misnomer and a fake, for it doesn’t discriminate between working subtractively (=sculpting) and additively (=plastic arts). :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

greetings, Kologe

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To stay up to date, I hope Blender will soon invest dev time into a robust SDF toolset, for non-destructive modeling, real-time Booleans with automatic filleting, non-destructive vertex coloring and more goodness.

There’s an SDF Blender add-on on its way, but it will only work in Blender for Windows:

Personally, I’m quite addicted to MagicaCSG:


They did sculpt in wax and clay/terracotta too. Either way, I’m sure they’d be delighted that we are all still trying to keep their artform alive today. :grin:


Yeah, SDFs are the future, imo. After seeing people making complex characters with it I think it’s only a matter of time until they are part of standard workflows.

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Hans Goudey was working on sdf volumes and the proposal includes paremetrical modeling, you can read it here.
I think blender has room for both sdf and sculpting :thinking:.


Any talk about such workflows always triggers my post-traumatic stress disorder from the first weeks after downloading Blender for the first time in late 2005.

With zero previous 3D-expericence, I had no idea what I was doing and of course back then, forget about tutorials.
So my idea of modeling was ‘well, let’s add some of those primitives and scale/rotate/translate them and stick them into oneanother until the desired shape results from it’.
I soon began to sprinkle in some extrusions for good measure (after discovering the command), while I maintained very little control over the direction of my extrusions.

It was a horrid thing, topologically. :laughing:

greetings, Kologe
(I will stop now making anecdotal off-topic posts.)


thats one of my biggest fears. strong opinion coming from people who are not familiar with sculpting features and workflows. happened a lot with pablo dobarro.
did you know that the feature to sculpt and paint at the same time, coded by pablo dobarro, effectively didnt land because of ui team interference? if stuff like this keeps happening, the new dev wont last a year.
bf better keep an eye on those internal fights.

and where is the retopo dev bf hired?

I believe part of it is making sure that everything in Blender can work together and take advantage of the strengths of each module. Sculpting for instance is not intended to be akin to a separate app. within an app. but part of a whole that can make use of things like Everything Nodes and the new attribute system. This also means you can’t have an entire suite of specialized UI code for just one feature (if that happened to be what caused disagreement with Pablo).

Now some in this thread might think such software engineering cannot be done. Well, people claimed that the Lightbulb would never work, that the Airplane would never fly, and (more recently) that a TV cannot be made transparent, so no surprise this pessimistic tendency has made the jump to digital innovation as well.


Thankfully the tech has moved on since then. :smile: I’ve been using SDFs for the last 2 years myself and it has huge advantages over polys for certain purposes.


How do you guys feel about the new sculpt mode keymap in 4.0?

I didn’t even notice, I’ve rebound almost everything regarding sculpting in blender, even navigation :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Looking at the release notes:

I like the context sensitive keys for dyntopo/remesh and navigating multires. I’ve had something like that for a long time. Nobody needs a remesh key when dyntopo or multires is active.

Don’t like a dedicated and global Sample Color key. You only need color sampling when painting, so it should only be active for paint brushes. Preferably as a alt/ctrl modifier like in Krita or PS.


Its usefulness is very dependent on if the devs ever decide to implement the simultaneous sculpt painting feature Pablo Dobarro experimented with back in the day. ZBrush has colour sampling as a shortcut that is independent from whatever brushes you use, so if Sculpt Mode goes with that same route it makes sense to have a dedicated global button.

Personally I’ve been more used to having the Photoshop setup with alt to colour sample, so I wouldn’t personally mind that same implementation. That said, having the ability to sculpt and paint with any brush would be more beneficial than a shortcut preference.

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I am trying to find the sculpt branch that previously allowed you to do voxel remeshing in dynotopo and you retain your uvmap after.

Can’t find any sculpt build in the branch page:

EDIT: No sculpt branch in the All archived builds.

Hi @farsthary Any chance we might be getting lock brush size when painting so it stays the same when you zoom in or out for texture painting? Sculpt paint has this but we need it for texture paint. :slightly_smiling_face: