The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 2)

did you report that?

Should I? The feature is clearly not finished, and the bug is very obvious since it happens on almost every undo. Feels like going into a car factory and saying that the cars on the assembly line don’t have wheels.

if its not ready or there are no plans of fixing it, then this entire feature should be moved to experimental or even removed imo
having broken stuff like this in a release build is not good looking

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Bug is already reported. All obvious issues are

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A quick test suggests the severity of the bug is heavily dependent on how much the mesh shape is changed in one undo step. A standard stroke with the draw brush might erase the color on just a handful of isolated vertices, if at all.

The devs. have done too much work on the code to just remove it, moving it to the experimental group would be fine as they have done this with many other features in the past (such as certain features related to overrides). Meanwhile, the Dyntopo branch continues to be updated and synched with Main every now and then.

Is there a way to download a 4.2 build with the Dyntopo experimental branch?

It looks like the buildbot for the branch is either not going or is turned off?

I believe it is still important to have it running until the attribute preservation in Dyntopo for main gets more robust and the sculpting itself has higher performance.


sculpt mode needs this kind of performance

Uniform tool and layering system is now fully GPU accelerated.
You can use large sculpting and painting brushes, surface filters, deformers and procedural layers on meshes with millions of polygons without any input lag or shuttering.


What’s your plan to contribute to making that happen?


posting it here that devs pay attention to it and implement it :wink:
ok, seriously, not everyone is a dev and I think it‘s fine.


The devs are well aware that sculpting performance in Blender lags behind other software. They’ve been making blog posts about it for years, since at least 2.8. I don’t think it likely that yet another random “this software sculpts faster” video is going to have the mass awareness effect you suggest.


And compositing needs this kind of performance.

(All it takes is posting a link, right?)


and what kind of non-sensical talking is this?
then you better stop asking for features and improvements on devtalk like you always do, and start doing it yourself.

its incredible what i see on this forum


You’re missing the point; it’s hardly different than someone pointing to Unreal and saying “Blender needs to do that”.

Yeah, that ipad app looks speedy. Is it constrained by all the other things that Blender is constrained by, such as BF’s desire to support 10-yr old hardware on 3 different platforms, including one that has 23,468 different OS flavors? Does it have to manage a database for all those vertices so that modifiers and rigging and animation and shading still work?

Convince BF to drop support for half of what they do. Drop linux completely, drop AMD gpu support, drop all budget integrated GPUs. Require a RTX or better card, 64 gig RAM minimum, and Windows 10+ or Metal. BF will automatically gain time to improve performance, as they won’t have to deal with budget systems nor weird hacky OS environments.


And lose much of the community in the process (not to mention it would mean the BF completely abandoning its original mission of democratizing higher-end 3D work). Blender being free would need to have a huge asterisk added with it saying that it will require a 3000 to 5000 USD investment in hardware first.

Even though Blender continues to have some of the lowest requirements in the industry, there are still plenty of ways the developers are finding to optimize things.

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fun fact, I don’t know if you know, but several sculpt mode features implemented by Pablo Dobarro came from this thread. Guys like Redwax/Metin Seven and others, they used to demo and describe zbrush features here, and after seeing it, Pablo would implement them, sometimes even in the same day.
thats how important these kind of post were/are, because you never know

now we have to deal with this non-sense from guys who didnt follow the sculpt development
they should thank guys like us


We’d lose 80%+ of our devs, not entirely sure how that would make things better.


Has there been a mask performance speed regression with the latest 4.2 nightlies? It takes like 2 seconds to draw a mask with lasso mask on a mesh with 4 mil polygons. I swear it was almost like instant with a version from couple weeks ago.

Honestly I think sculpt mode should be developed as an external project that plugs into Blender but is wholly separated from the BF. That could be an alternative model to a traditional divisional corporate structure, which Blender is slowly being forced into and which I know Ton and other senior figures want to avoid. The BF as it is now simpky lacks the capacity for somethinh like sculpt mode.


That would mean you can’t use any other feature with the sculpting process though, so you would have no choice but to finalize your model before sending it to Blender main. This essentially is telling the community to abandon hope of a future where the workflow can be flexible and free of the traditional rigid step-by-step process.

Workflows will especially become rigid if the BF just called it quits on the swiss-army-knife idea with Blender (which some have actually advocated) and instead turn it into something resembling Lightwave gone bad. Lightwave is proof that multi-app design will not always equal higher performance and a better workflow, even with tight I/O.

In addition, doing that means the BF officially admitting they will never compete with Autodesk, essentially waving the white flag and directing professionals to just use Maya instead. They may as well then link to the Autodesk store on their own website for those who want to further develop their careers.