The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 2)

It was shift space before… This thread could be closed and nothing of value is lost. The only thing you guys do is bashing on others.


At least it’s all contained on one thread :wink:


It was already agreed upon that Industry Standard keys will have it on B. Regular Blender keys are fairly weird anyway, so this isn’t anything new per say. :stuck_out_tongue:


I had hope they would change their minds in the last minute and put it on B in the default keymap… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
The IC keymap is not properly maintained so I don’t use that…

Every time when some weird single default shortcut is made i’m like “Whatever, i will change it in 5 sec”

and then i see multi-post discussion about it from experienced/mid/advanced users



You guys actually use Blender with default shortcuts without changing them to Your liking?


Hahaha of course not… I use a heavily modified keymap myself… But that’s not the point… The point is what’s best for blender…

Most people don’t get it but it’s all for the greater good… :wink:

Absolutely! Always have, always will, no matter the package. I’m waaaaaay way too lazy to change my keymap (apart from the local view focus thing). If I’d have a hard time getting used to a unique/uncommon keymap I woudn’t be using Blender :slight_smile:


At least Blender gives you the choice of modifying shortcuts, unlike Zbrush.

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Yep default, so i can easily update the version and not be confused at all.

There’s no way to change the key responsible for navigation. I don’t like right click, I’d rather have it as spacebar, can’t do that.

Blender’s keybinding system may look ugly, but it is powerful and flexible.


A post was merged into an existing topic: 3D-Coat as a companion to Blender

Preferences >Keymap Preferences >Spacebar Action

Using Shift + Spacebar while the following is active;
Tools = overrides Play
Seach = unaffected, has only one option which is search.
Play = overrides Tools

seems like another shortcut is needed.

What you are asking for is a pivot with an offset from origin of object or active element or center of selection, that has a position updated by transformation.
That is something that does not exist in current choice of pivots.

Gizmo at 3D Cursor only change position if 3D Cursor is moved.
That is something different.

If you never explicit, positively to devs, clearly that you want another option ; they can not guess it, from a negative comment, about something that is completely different.
Asking for removal of an option that consists in keeping gizmo at a fixed position, will not magically add desired option of a dynamic gizmo to the list of pivots.

That can only be misleading.


I mean, sure. There are always going to be shortcuts that are easy to fix like in this case. That being said, it sure is nice when they tend to follow common standards that help reduce the barrier of entry for those who use other software with standard keys.

It wasn’t that long ago that Blender was R click to select, which turned a lot of people off from using it. Sure, it was always possible to fix them all yourself, but there is always a line with how much tinkering people are willing to deal with before they call it quits. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that Blender became more popular as it started to embrace having options and implemented more standardised ways of working.

It’s good that there is a serious conversation about the workflow for brushes and what shortcuts should be used, since it makes for a better end product. The new brush management system is looking absolutely fantastic for each build thanks to the devs taking people’s feedback seriously and implementing solutions.

At least we came to a consensus about the shortcut being B for the Industry Standard keys, which will make Blender easier to use out of the box for a lot of people. It may be trivial to some, but it is still a part of crafting good a user experience.


That is not same thing as Right click/Left click select.

Blender is a general app. It does not just paint and sculpt.
Everywhere else in Blender, B is Select Box operator, in default keymap.

Currently, in sculpt mode, B is following that, by being Box Mask tool.
Masks are supposed to become storable and inverted into selection in future development.
Do we prefer to have Blender consistent with itself or applying standards of specialized apps ?
Choosing B in Industry Standard keymap seems to be a good compromise.


yes + the more it is used, the less keys should be pressed.
Having brushes in the assets browser popup means;
it should be one keystroke and not some hard to reach ones which will also trigger some play animation if you pressed it in a wrong way.

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I still use right click select :grin:


I’m still using 2.7x keymap with some customization, along with RCS forever now - yet that isn’t safe as sometimes I end up discovering that they push a new keymapping across into the 2.7x keymap while I am expecting the same keys to be used and have to go back and relearn by finding what they changed to. Sometimes I put them back, sometimes I leave them.

Me too, my only must have change is select A toggles.

Controversial, I know, but I actually really like the default key map (at least for modeling, I don’t sculpt much so that keymap so could be awful). It feels very targeted to Left Hand keyboard, right hand stylus, which is how I work usually. I recognize that’s weird, so the default keymap is probably not great for a normal user :wink: