The big Blender Sculpt Mode thread (Part 2)

Nice! Didn’t know that, or I had forgotten it. :sweat_smile:

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From what I’ve seen so far, 3ds Max ReFlow is better for hard-surface models than Quad Remesher / ZRemesher.

Have a look at this article.

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Indeed constant was the mode I used the most because it’s predictability and control.
There is no new build… I hope to keep testing it, maybe I fall in love again with dynatopo.
By the way how do you see only the commits to the branch? I’m a little lost in gitea…

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I don’t display only commits on the branch without things merged from main.
I just look at commits that have Joe as author.

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The power of relative details when you know how to use it:


That would be a pertinent reply, if there were a comparison with other methods and an explanation why user is preferring this one to the others.
That is just a silent demo of user skills as a sculptor, entitled Dyntopo.
It does not show that the artist knows if other methods exists and what are their goals.

Relative method is first one that was introduced in 2.66, in 2013.
One year later, constant detail method was added in 2.71.
In 2015, Brush method was added in 2.75.
Author of this video, published in 2016, could simply use Relative method, because he could have practiced with it during 3 years.

If other methods were introduced, it was because of request from other users, that were preferring them to Relative Detail.

Constant Detail method is a way to be sure, that detail resolution created by strokes is consistent with previous stroke done at a different point of view on subject.
By using it, you are sure that you will not erase detail by zooming out.
Counterpart is that you need to set-up detail resolution manually when you want to change it.
That is why eyedropper to set detail resolution was added with this method.

It is as natural and logical to have a Constant method, that it is to have a View/Scene radius unit or View/Scene spacing.
We could rename Relative and Constant detail methods : View/Scene detail methods without an issue.

Manual method was introduced in 2.80 for people that was afraid of dynamic aspect of dynamic topology.
That is similar to voxel remesh method. Just instead of creating quads, it is a remeshing creating tris.
I think that introduction of voxel remesher in 2.81 made this method obsolete.
People interesting by that workflow are probably only using Voxel Remesher now.

Brush method is defining detail according to brush radius.

In practice, when brush radius is not changed and its unit is View : Brush method is acting like Relative method.
When brush radius is not changed and its unit is Scene : Brush method is acting like Constant method.

So, Brush method is the most versatile one and is great for brush textures.
That would be a regression to lost it and Constant method.
Relative method is intuitive one.
Constant is safe one.
Brush is precise one.

The current UI issue, with Brush method in official release, is that you have to keep in mind, detail value for each brush, because setting is global. That is why it is not used a lot.
A simple trick is simply to write value in name of brush.
But that issue would disappear with changes that Joe is currently doing, making detail percentage a per brush setting.
That would be a nonsense to lost Brush method, at the moment, dyntopo settings are becoming per brush.


Great overview. Since I don’t use Dyntopo for final detail passes, my view may be biased, but I always felt Constant Detail was the best option, which ended up giving me the most control. After some time using it, even if you like to go from zoomed out to zoomed in constantly, it’s easy to set the detail intuitively.

I mean, it even helps to ingrain the good habit of going from low>high detail in passes over the whole model instead of jumping back and forth.


Yes, excellent summary of dynatopo modes.
All have their advantages and disadvantages, and everyone must find the best way to use them. And i think we need all of them.
Personally I use relative mode to format the basic shape, and then I use constant mode.(Not to, as you said, erase detail accidentally by zooming out.)

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Though I wish masks are taken into account when adding varying detail strokes, currently masks don’t work when adding/removing polys with simplify brush… Or is it a new feature already available in the new dyntopo? I haven’t test the builds so idk…

Still no insert mesh brush?
C’mon, I mean, c’mon… :wink:


Selection Occlusion is here.

It completes work on Retopology Overlay.
Only limitation is that Polybuild tool is ignoring it.
But in edit mode, now, user only selects what is visible.


There is a new Dyntopo build for download.


I launched my school portfolio today where I used a lot of Blender sculpting. Been a fun journey these last 3-4 months. Would be appreciated if you guys wanted to take a look at my three main pieces. :partying_face:


Dyntopo pushed for 4.0 in latest meeting, not in 3.6 anymore. I’m not too bothered about that I’m more of a remesh/multirez guy, but why is sculpt/texture/paint module struggling so much with lack of developers? I’ve been following development closely and it seems every module is introducing new developers except sculpt one. Is there a lack of interest from developers? I don’t even expect Paint Mode anymore, there’s no way it is going to be done within next 3 years at this pace


It looks like Joe identified an issue related to auto-save (probably related to undo crashes).
The fact that he is working on an improved auto-save is, according to meeting report, the reason why review process was slow down.

The good news is that Sergey will help to solve blocking issues.
So, although it will be postponed for Blender 4.0 (scheduled for late November), we should quickly have a more stable experimental build.
Review process is announced for May.
So, the patch will be ready for June, when 3.6 will be in bugfixing only phase, when adding new stuff is not allowed.
That should be one of the first thing added to Blender 4.0 alpha.
Postponing feature only means that feedback from users, that are never testing alphas and betas, is postponed.
That does not mean that future patches are postponed.

BCON1 phase of release cycle will be stretched with two more weeks for 4.x series.
That means that this kind of announce of a postponing should become less frequent.

Blender 4.0 will be an exception with 2 more weeks. So, Blender 4.0 will contain a lot of new stuff.
It will probably accept more than one patch related to sculpting.

By changing release cycle to pass from 4 releases to 3 releases par year, developers will have more time to make feature right, at first try, and will accumulate less stress about releasing half done feature.
Developers should become more efficient.

I care less about this feature landing soon rather than ones that are about to come after that. I also don’t use patches alphas are as low as I can get.

Every time dyntopo refactor is postponed every other update that is supposed to come after that is postponed too, that’s what I’m worried about. When developers released a plan at the start of the year saying which dev concentrates on which, sculpt/paint/texture was once again overlooked. I keep hearing developers are hard to come by, but the main ones that are already there (and are supposed to be looking after everything) seem to care just as little as potential ones.

So what it means for us is that before 2024 only thing we can expect is dyntopo, and that is if things go super well. And some small patches about redo options and such. Not a bright prospect to be looking at. New Multires, Paint Mode, and etc. not even on the horizon. Also what is happening at Brush Assets? Who is even working on that, its been months since I’ve read anything about that from Asset module meetings.

Every feature is halted and every module is waiting for some other module to do something before they start working on their thing it seems and nothing really gets done at our part of Blender. Only thing that seems to be getting regular attention is Hair nodes, probably least needed feature in 3D history.


It’s actively being worked on. Some patches are already merged into the main.

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That’s good to know. Guess they’re working on preparing code before adding features noteworthy for meetings. Is it planned for 3.6?

IIRC it was. But I’m not sure at this point.

Lets face it, snail mode until there is another or better two dedicated sculpt and paint mode devs.