The flat earth society. Yes really.

Yournamehere: The picture is from the diskworld series of books

I’ve never seen that before, but I need to check it out. That’s cool.

I thought the Earth was shaped like a banana. Since when did we start saying it was round?

your wrong :mad: it’s square. I can prove it using advanced astro physics:

-look out your door, the earth is flat. Can you not tell?
but how do we arrive in the same place we started if we keep going?
well, that’s where the square (or the technically termed cube) comes in. You see, each face of planet earth has gravity pulling towards the center, the creases are easily explained by the amaricana trench. xD
so are you crazy?
why is that?
because I’ve had the calling to be a serious felione.

omg… This Flat-Earth believers are crazy, why would NASA fake the moon landing and the picture of earth, NASA has a lot of scientists in them, and nobody would agree to go make the moon landing. Unless they got paid, and even if they did get paid, they wouldn’t keep it a secret, they’ll tell their wives, and rumors will go around fast, NASA has a lot of people in it and unless they paided a bunch of super smart astronmers it’d be impossible to fake something so big…

I was an alternative 3 fanatic for a while. That posits that we not only did make it to the moon, but we had an active base on it by the time subsequent astronauts got there to do there walks. And we landed a probe on mars that filmed some sort of life there. I saw a film that had a lot of bbc footage in it investigating the british brain drain of the seventies and they concluded that all the scientists , anthropologists etc were going into a project to put a colony on Mars. It started when a big think tank in the late sixties decided that global warming was real, the planet was doomed and the only way out of it was to get off the planet. Seems pretty naive now but heck I love a grandiose story more than life itself. Now I just follow things like peach and durian and read the tibetan book of living and dying to get my escapist jollies.

Careful now . . . are you familiar with “there” wives . . . you don’t want the nerds of NASA chasing you to burn you with the thick panes glasses. …

If NASA is anything like the users of this forum . . . most of them would be 15 years single guys … who don’t blend.

Ofcourse some of them will be adults too…

Sorry, I misspelled it, and I was typing fast and didn’t notice it…

If NASA was something like this forum I don’t think most of them would be 15 year olds because they probably talk about things they wouldn’t understand or do work they can’t finish and make a crappy project for the deadline. Oh, and a lot of 15 year olds have girlfriends :yes:, even though they are nerds, nerds don’t look like they are stereotyped to be and maybe they don’t have nerdy personality and don’t talk about boring things they and other nerds like… :yes:

Why are we even talking about this… Face it, there’s more proof that the Earth is round then it is flat… They have 0 proof, at least we have evidence and it’s reasonable… Just because we see it flat doesn’t mean it’s actually flat… If it was flat, at night, Earth would be freezing cold and at day it would be super hot because everything revolves around the Earth right? We wouldn’t have any seasons, because seasons are due to the Earths tilt… And if you go on a plane from the North Pole to the South Pole and back around you’ll end up back at the north pole… Weird huh? Because I that means there’s somekind of portal that teleports you back around, and I find that hard to believe…

btw, If you didn’t know, the Earth is not at the same distance as the sun at all times, the orbit is an ovally shape…

That’s all…

Do I see ankh morpork’s tower of art in there?

They don’t believe there is a portal, they think there’s a giant ice wall guarded by evil NASA guards who will shoot you on sight. And that when you go in a straight line and end up where you were you weren’t going straight but in an arc.

You can learn a lot by logging on at their forum and starting a thread about the fact which seems to most obviously disprove their theory, and seeing what they come up with. That’s how I know about the ice wall.

You can get people to believe anything… every time I see a “converted!” thread, I want to cry.

ah, I see, lol, I’m going to get flammed badly if I bring up science though 0.o, I’m just going to look at your threads… What’s your username on that?

ShnitzelKiller, unfortunately.

God, the fact you don’t know shit about something doesn’t mean that kind of argument is valid. This is the signature of one of the moderators there, saying basically that our ridiculous theory of mass being a determining factor in gravity can be dismissed as belief in “magic”.


Australia doesn’t exist

This guy is serious. Anyone who makes a good point ends up getting labeled as a bot put there by the government.

Ok, I’m sorry for not giving a valid argument, if your talking about me…

I also made an account on their forums, and I read one where someone says this:

How can you explain that I’ve sailed around the South Pole? (or something like that)

FET(flat earth thoery)
One can assume you sailed around the edge of the Earth…

Here’s the link:

It’s pretty interesting what they come up with :smiley: lol