The honorable Mr. Scent

Cheers and thanks, Guys :slight_smile:

Yeah, the uniform jacket. First of all I’m happy that you see it as a uniform and not as something else. A circus manager, for example. That was the reason why I added all this additional uniform like elements today. I agree that the jacket is a bit “turbulent”. But it is picking up the floral elements and that’s again because of his office. (Imagine a squad of officers dressed like him and waiting for the orders of the day in the morning :smiley: ) My plan is to make the jacket shine with the lighting. The golden parts are actually glossy and hopefully that will pop out once a spot light is directed at that. Until then I’ll keep it as it is and I change it if that doesn’t work.

Ghost, how should you recognize it as a perfume bottle? I haven’t talked about my plans with the tank so far. :wink: And your advice was more than helpful so far.

Harleynut, I agree with your thoughts on the horns. Admittedly they are brighter now and catch some attention, but at the same time they direct the viewers eye. That’s a good combination, me thinks.

This evening I was working on the environment. As I said earlier I want the buildings to show quite a level of decay. This is to have a good contrast between the foreground and the background. And of course the overall deterioration is also an important part of the story. Imagine a quarter like that and someone like the ScentMan would come down the road with all that noise such a machine would make - and he starts to spread flower petals - for sure a very important service that the city is offering its inhabitants - lol :smiley:

And lastly for the end of a productive weekend a 900 samples render with everything I have so far. The windows will be added back in, of course … :wink:

I start thinking about how I could add motion blur to the final render … maybe everything around the vehicle, but not the vehicle itself …

Thanks again to you all for watching and commenting!

Keep going, keep going, keep going. One thing that hit my eye: the chains don’t look used enough as well as the details on them. I think motion blur could be a nice idea, also to cover that :wink:
Besides that I really want to see it with windows

Surely I will, Xerubian :slight_smile:

Setting is looking amazing. I do hope the trash is going back in for a foreground and lead in. I personally think the feet placement is much better now. Harley and I will never be sold on the uniform material but it’s a judgement call. Really coming together nicely.

Looking good! Only seven short days left :eek:

So true, NID Graphics. Only seven days left and so much to do. Fortunately there is a weekend left.

Ghost, the trash and debris will be added again. I just skipped it in the last renders.

Today I thought by myself that I have a really pretty render here - pretty boring. Now, hopefully that has changed. You guys know that all the white parts are just unfinished. My wife keeps complaining about them :wink: And the chains will have handles attached …

Huh, this last render used 3,949 MB on my 4GB GPU. Time to get this finished :wink:

The aged buildings are looking quite nice, I’m not sure what that greenish rectangle is supposed to be? I’m assuming you will be adding a skin shader to the drivers head.

But a couple things are intriguing to me… the steampunk machine suddenly seems air bound with the drivers hands not really driving the vehicle. Perhaps you can elaborate.

Wonderful. In my mind I see the design of the uniform very reflective gold and silver. This is an excellent piece of art.

About the fluid in the bottle: you have flowers floating behind the “tank” why not have flowers floating around inside the glass like popcorn in a popper? Just a thought.

edit: I forgot to add that I prefer the red on the wheels, The black cast iron look really hides all the wonderful modeling you did on them.

German engineering at it’s best. I did not know the old gentlemen had jet assist. A few thoughts if I might. While your piece is not as wild as some of the younger artist, younger I suspect, it is not boring. It was a unusual concept from day one. I’m still a fan of #63 the last one. Please tell me you are thinking about the work at hand and not some contest. And, no I haven’t missed the point here.

As a matter of fact your effort has me thinking about juried art shows. Whether by six judges or one. But, that is another thought.

I would like to once again make a suggestion. And, it’s from my younger days studying commercial art. Back when illustrators had agents. And, that is the bottle to establish the foreground. With or without the hooker passed out. What a lead in that might have been. Regardless, my technical skills are so far removed from yours I couldn’t even ‘Sketch’ it out and get any idea of how you would handle the concept. Or, how it would look. I think it might look anyway you choose for the bottle to look. With respect to reflections I mean.

minoribus if you consider it I would personally stay off the corner. And, of course the bottle doesn’t have to be exactly pointed at him. That is taken care of with color and contrast since he is the center of interest I assume. (Bright Red hat and Yellow uniform) If you even consider this there could be some liquid left in the bottle. Just a thought guy. And, with your technical skills who knows how this might look. Plenty of time left and your CPU is no slouch. Tell the wife I’m pleading for an entire weekend. :slight_smile: Later,


Still loving this project!

Keep up the good work - I too noticed your machine has become airborne!

Cheers, Clock.

Thank you for your input, feedback and encouragement. I’m working hard on this in my evenings after job to get it ready for submission. And my nights are short at the moment :wink:

And I listen to you. Have a look at the new jacket. And in addition to that I kicked out several of the different metal materials. The truck is now made of only 3 or 4 different materials and I think it looks less cluttered now. It has a better readability, perhaps.

FinallyI added some steam. And flowers will come back.

I know the vehicle is in the air now. But that’s intentionally. It’s just a little jump. Imagine this with a slight vector blur for the background. It should give a sense of motion and action. It’s my humble approach to apply something of what I learned from “Stan Lee’s - How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way” recently.

The volumetrics look ok, but the dense cloud on the bottom right makes it look like the engine is overheating or burnt out, maybe try a more subtle approach? Unless the steam is supposed to be a scented mist released with the flowers, in which case it should be dispersed more, to look as if it has been fired out into a fragrant ploom :slight_smile:

The jacket looks good, the floral pattern on the fabric is very nice. but IMO i think the colour could do with a bit more saturation to draw the viewers focus towards the character.

I love the concept of this piece, It’s the most imaginative entry i have seen to date :smiley: Looking forward to seeing the final piece, hope you can find enough time to get this project finished! Only 5 days now! :wink:

I feel like the changes you made on metals work great, you now see the details of the wheels better. Now I understand why his hands were up in the air :slight_smile:

I kind of agree with Jamie B regarding the smoke coming out the sides, I wonder if you even need it at all on the sides since the flower petals will be flowing out in that area.

The uniform color draws my eyes better than the previous uniform, Is there a way of bumping up the saturation on just the green floral part of the uniform texture?

I’m mixed on the airborne choice, I understand the reason behind it, but it seems like this is the type of machine that would move at a very slow speed and would never become airborn. But certainly reality isn’t necessary in this project, so it really is kind of an artistic decision.

Hi minoribus

Think you should stop now so that others can have a chance in the comp :D. On a serious note, will you perhaps indulge us and get the green popping a bit on the uniform, (just a small, quick test render) as I too think it may look good.


Thanks again for all your input. I agree with you on the lower right steam and will try a render without. And I added saturation to the jacket as well as especially to the green floral pattern. And I changed the position of the bottle, although it is a victim of the necessary DOF.

I love the concept of this piece, It’s the most imaginative entry i have seen to date :smiley: Looking forward to seeing the final piece, hope you can find enough time to get this project finished! Only 5 days now!

Thank you very much, Jamie B. But I feel that your steampunk interpretation of a computer is much closer to the genre. I’m a bit more on the fantasy side here.

The uniform color draws my eyes better than the previous uniform, Is there a way of bumping up the saturation on just the green floral part of the uniform texture?

I was in love with the black an gold pattern of the last version, but you and Ghost have been right with this, Harleynut. Better to have it brighter.

it seems like this is the type of machine that would move at a very slow speed and would never become airborn.

Hm, I think I have seen images of real tanks that did a little lifting because of bumps on the ground. But regardless it’s physical implications, I still think that it adds so much to the image.

Think you should stop now so that others can have a chance in the comp

OK, Shaun :smiley:

Hm, made up my mind and decided to continue with my work for the competition :stuck_out_tongue: Here is what I have. Only the pedestrian and the girl are left to complete. And a little lighting and compositing.

Tear it apart, guys :slight_smile:

Love it :slight_smile: brilliant choice of colour for the flower petals. The background looks great as well and it doesn’t draw any attention away from the main focal point :smiley: nice work pal, i can’t notice anything wrong with this, but i am overly sleep deprived so my mind is a little lax at the moment, my keen eyes are not so focused tonight :eyebrowlift2:

I think the new found contrast is looking good, minoribus. Much more impact as you well know. And, with enough elements where the viewer is left trying to connect the dots. A interesting composition that moves the viewers eye around it about three times in my case. And, the vehicle has room to move towards the left border. Which might beg the question in your mind is one character enough since you’ve accomplished the sense of motion here. Anyway best of luck in the competition.

Yes yes yes … It’s really starting to POP now. I love the green and gold in the jacket.

His face and the gloves seem a little washed out too bright perhaps? I thik the light that is making the uniform really stand out is perhaps the cause. Even so it looks stunning.

I remember decades ago in drama class they always used a pink gel in the lights to make the skin not look so washed out in the bright lights. perhaps something along these lines can help with the face and gloves while still letting the uniform POP.

Ihr seid meine Helden!

One other thing which I’m sure you’ll correct. Since he obviously has work gloves on what color to make them. And, that was a ingenious way to handle Harleys comment on the vehicle is now driving itself. So his hat and gloves could be a way to introduce even more color into the center. That fine hat befitting a senior scent employee is kind’ a lost in the background now.