The Island [Survival Game] - new updates

Well I got it working for now. The mechanics will be shown in the next Dev-Video.


So I have 4 Ideas for settings for the game, please tell me which one you like the most

-(Nowadays) You are somehow stranded on the island and you gotta get away from it, being that there is a vulcano which is about to blow, and maybe facing modern pirates
-You are an alien and your ship crashed on that island, you have to repair your ship with the natural resources and get away from the island (hands and hud will be adjusted in that case)
-(19th century) You are a slave on a ship, which either strands or you get thrown off the get eaten by the sharks, unfortunatly you survive and get to the island. Your goal is to survive the island and maybe get revenge on your slavedrivers and escape the island
-(1000 BC) You are one of the early humans on the world and your goal is just to do what cave mans do :smiley:


The last 2 ways sounds the best. Maybe there should be goal, but player must be able to continue game also after reaching it(like making an escape ship, but building after that(maybe the ship could offer buying resources?)):wink:

i think the 3rd idea is the best! But please dont make a story based campagne (maybe just tell the setting and then let the player decide what he does) because in a game like that i like to run around and craft cool things without a real goal. And if you will use the 3rd idea please make the charakter very powerless becouse he didnt get much to eat and the sea was probably very cold. So the first goal would be to find food and a campfire. (und sorry nochmal fßr das Englisch den die Sätze sind sehr wahrscheinlich grammatikalisch falsch :confused:)

(Die Sätze passen gut) And yes there will not be a linear story, just a setting for the game, of course you´re free to do what you want to.

okay cool :smiley:

Nice, that’s what I wanted:D:D:D


Good text, good!:cool:

I like the 3rd one best. But any particular reason it has to be 19C and not modern day?

I’m partial to a modern, or retro-modern setting.
I see this and I think of things like Castaway, or Lost (if you want to go to crazy-town with the story).

I would highly suggest keeping the ‘storytelling’ elements as minimal as possible. Tell the story through the environment. Let the player piece together where/when they are as they explore.
What would be cool (if you had the means to do so) would be to have the character talk to himself as he tries to cope with his current situation. As time goes by (or as the player hits plot points, if you want a more event-driven story) this self-narration becomes more and more crazy as the character starts losing his grip on reality, and provides clues to the player as to what is going on.

I would pick the 1st one, but without the volcano. A ticking clock like that might not be a good idea for an open-world setting, where you want to focus on exploration and letting the player play the way they want to, which includes the pace in which the game progresses.
I think simply escaping the island would be enough of a goal to drive the player onward. Provide multiple means of doing so, while not guiding the player toward any one of them. I wouldn’t have the game instruct the player that their goal is to escape: Let the player start discovering that they have means of escape, and they will probably try. We all know by now that ‘plop the player in the middle of nowhere with no instructions’ mechanics does work if done well.
Ways to Escape:
-Make materials and recipes for a raft, or some similar craft that can be found on the island. Pick a direction and start rowing.
-Have rare instances where a passing ship or plane can be seen in the background. If a signal fire could be lit in time…
-You send a message in a bottle once you discover your location, which miraculously get’s answered!
-A mysterious building exists hidden somewhere on the island, which has a functioning radio system.
-Eventually, the mothership descends over the island and takes you back to your homeworld where you belong.

We also liked the third idea, a slave in the 19th century As Nines, I agree that the answers the questions of the character / player should be counted discreetly, with objects being encontradaos while walking, but nothing too ovary to reach climax.
left the trajectory of the arrow, has a tutorial on CGMasters with the blend for download, I believe can help (

I´ll propably go with the slave idea, cause I like it the most too. Working on a short intro sequence. I need some rough water, to swim in, any idea how to create this?

maybe with the oceansimulator with a low resolution? or just make a prerendered cutscene with some quicktime events (if you just use it as intro)

Small sneek peak on what I´m working right now (Intro sequence)

Quicktime event for the start of the game.

Could you tell me how did you make so nice day/night cycle?

You could make it like rapid clicking so the player don’t drawn or something like that, btw…

Yeah that’s what it is. Any idea how to achieve waves that deform the water surface? Not really necessary, but would look cool I think.

a loopanimation with the ocean modifire would look good but it also needs a lot of faces :no:

Check out the new Video on updates

Things I added: Intro Sequence (for the setting of the Game) -Sharks -Bears -Knive -Bed -Campfire -Spears -Meat Many other small features.