The Lone Cabin

here a higher res version. I think the snow on the roof needs work…
lol, i just found out that flickr photos need to link back to flickr…

If you look out across snow fields at night, you’ll see it almost seems to glow - give it a bit of Emit value, and play around with a very slight grey-blue tint.

The moon is far too dull; it also glows dully and the face should be pure white, with the craters on the surface only slightly darker.

made the moon more white.

oops, forgot to change the emit on the snow. I will do that tomorrow.

Looking better. Backbuf is ok - there is no “right” way to do it. What the other poster (forgot the name) is saying is that in the world buttons, if you use an image or procedural for the sky, play around with the blend buttons - you’ll find them. They say "blend up, blend down, zenith etc. Something like that. Very early in the am…

You can give the sky some depth basically. It will add a light band from the horizon up, or however you set it. Skies are rarely perfectly falt black.

Naked guy is still missing. Still frozen to death perhaps.:eek:

Also, a few more trees…Where there is one tree, there are others. I’d also use DOF on that horizon. To sharp. That will make a huge difference. I’d add a few little bushes or trees poking out of the ground here and there. Maybe a rock or two.

Maybe a pile of firewood against the house, and a few props. A wagon or something, maybe a little shed leaning against the house.