The remaking of the Transformer :) WIP

Now that I have implemented the compositing, texturing and know how the overall mood will be, I will review a bit the design of some parts to make them more accurent or mechanically more correct so to speak. The knee area is my biggest concern for articulation. I will try to design more efficient rotate joints. This is a very big 3D challenge I put myself into. I probably won´t be able to produce something as perfect as I would like, but I think I will at the end come fairly closed enough. I am not a mechanical engineer and I find studiing pics showing articulation systems, very useful. Since I do not like the design of the Transformers in the miovies, I choose not to get influenced by them.

Göteborgare här. :slight_smile:

Personally, I don’t do the cartoony thing, so here, I’m not the one to critique it - also, seeing this model outside any kind of scene, any context, it’s of course impossible to say if the look is fitting your plan for such… :wink:

And just generally in regard to the old and beaten up robot look, I think they pulled it off better in the ‘How to train your robot’ short than in ‘Reel Steel’. It’s like a beaten up old Volvo 240 became a transformer kinda thingy, hehe… :smiley:

I just had a look at the video and I understand totally what you mean. That was actually my first plan and I had even started to create a similar texture look but changed it. I wanted something different, somehow less obvious. I am having lotsa fun with this and it will become great at the end. Right now I am working at redesigning a bit the knee articulations to make them more mechanically correct. I got lotsa help from guys with a degree in mechanical engineering. It feels nice.

Back side and some details. I probably will add some more polypaint there and there. I am also done creating the pieces for the knee and hip articulations and will put them in there tomorrow. The more I use Blender, the more I like it :slight_smile:

The original renders are much nicer!!!