This short film is a Tribute to the movie “The Shining” by Stanley Kubrick (1980) and inspired by the Recreation of the Overlook Hotel in the Movie “Ready Player One” by Steven Spielberg (2018).
Created By Jonathan Truong
Soundtrack :
Krzysztof Penderecki - The Dream of Jakob
Krzysztof Penderecki - Utrenja (Kanon Paschy)
Krzysztof Penderecki - De natura Sonoris No. 1
Wendy Carlos / Rachel Elkind - Main Title (The Shining)
Ray Noble - Midnight the Stars and You
I started this Project in October 2021, I wanted to challenge myself by recreating this iconic location, like ILM did on “Ready Player One” (2018). The Objectif was to, not only showing cool renders, but to create a story around this location, to re-establish the mood of the Original Movie… I decided to go with the 4:3 format which is the format Kubrick wanted when he shot his movie. I used the soundtrack of the movie, synchronized them with the environnement and animate the Camera to imitate some iconic shots.
For the Technical part, the challenge was to model, texture, light over 60 high poly assets to create 5 photorealistic environments. The only things i didn’t model were the Animals head, which i then groomed, the plants and the wood logs.
I’ve never used Houdini by myself before so creating 2 different simulations were more complicated that i anticipated, especially the fluid simulation at the beginning. The result is not perfect but it’s the best i can deliver at this time.
Overall this Project took me about 6 Months to complete with about a full week of rendering (1-2 min to 5-6 min per frames depending on the environment).