The.Wasp [Retired for now]

Very impressive gives the feeling of perfection. (Reminds me of the borg).

Yeah more wasps would make it better.

Ive just had this thought the wasp is looking straight at the queen right? (or near enough).
Maybe make the wasp look more down to the floor, to show the queen is in control and is dominate.

I actually prefer the atmosphere of the more yellow one. In any case, I think the black outline of the combs makes it look too cartoony, which I don’t think is your aim. Maybe a metallic look would suit it better. Other than that, maybe some more details between the combs to match the detail on the wasp and queen. Nice work so far.

I think the newest one looks really good. How about you add some kind of closing mechanism to the cells? When wasps have laid eggs in the cells, they close them up for a while. Some kind of mechanical door would be cool.

I really like it. I have a question. How do you texture it? UV or what?

i think i’ve mentioned this already…but for your sake i will answer it here

UVmapping :]

hmm, something like this ? (mechanical doors will be added)

My only comment: The hive textures are totally flat. Nor-map them. Or just go down ‘n’ dirty with the mesh itself in Editmode. :smiley:

yu_wang: yeah…those background hive textures are temporary…and the front ones will have a bump-map soon :]

I like that, keep going!

isnt that the wasp design by feng zhu? if so im working on a model of one of his walkers. awesome artist

nope this is my own design. but i do like Feng. he’s always an inspiration.

gonna retire this project for now. lost interest.

maybe ill finish it someday.

Well hats off for the work you’ve made so far !

Is the UV tutorial still in the works?

hmm, i may just make one in a seperate thread.