The.Wasp [Retired for now]

I must say, you are getting really good with the textures. I like your work.

hey sprinkles ! thanks for the comment ;]

here’s another update. been workin’ up a Queen design. i know the color scheme is the same, its just because i haven’t gotten a chance to re-texture her. but anyways, here it is.

You have done a nice job with the scratches, etc. on the textures. You need some more subtle dirt layers though. Especially where there are gaps and holes.

Also, since it does fly, some dirt streaks/grit streaks would also help sell it more.

The missles, hinges, etc., are way too clean still. Add soem nice bumps and scratches to them as well. It just doesn’t look right having stuff old and worn along with parts that are not.

Great looking model though.


thanks for the comments. and i never thought about the streaks(caused by flying) ill start workin on those. and as far as the smaller details go, i just haven’t finished texturing them yet…so yeah, they will be nice and dirty when im done :]

She looks awesome, can’t wait to get a closer look at her. Love the color scheme you have going for the combs, keep it up!!! 8)

a quick update for the day.

Dude, this is awesome.
That is a very original concept. I love it.
Just one thing… do wasp really have honeycombs?
I believe they have nests which are more like grey spherical structures.
Anyway, I am just being picky here.

Great work! can’t wait to see more.

I am not usually afraid of wasps but this wasp makes me afraid of it
, even the hoenycomb is creepy. Nice job on modeling and texturing.

Love the lighting,

Depends on the variety of the wasp but some do create comb-like sturctures. Check this link and you’ll see some differnt structures they create.


and see-ing how this is definetly -not- your au-natural scene. it really looks messed up :]

so, ive been working on the textures for the queen. tell me what ya think :]

I like how you treated the connection between the uppermost left tenticle better then the other side with the ring that comes off the surface a bit, helps with the transition of that dark rusty texture to the more smooth tubes, though that might all change once they get textured as well. I think the red eye needs some more detail, perhaps make it a bit transparent and add some mechanisims inside, might also try giving it a brain-type texture to the main body mass, ripples and such. It’s getting there!!! Keep it up.

Just one crit : when i saw this queen i didn’t thought it was something supposed to be “alive”.
I mean, even if your wasps are not meant to be reallistic one they look like wasps. But your queen just seems to be an egg with something scary inside. Maybe you should add something more organic outside, dunno.
But perhaps it was your goal to make something not organic …

Anyway it seems to be on the good way.

hey, thanks man ! i was hoping those textures came out right. im glad you like them. also i forgot to render a scene. so here’s an updated scene. its kinda like how i want the end-result to be…possibly :]

I am falling in love with your texturing abilities :slight_smile: their awesome. I mean, you’re using gimp (according to your last project), and I’m using Photoshop CS, yet I can’t get nearly as close as you… I wonder why!

Perhaps, you could enlighten me on how you made the wasp look “dirty”.

well, i got the basic shape of the rust with the Galaxy brush in Gimp. and then did a number of rusty colors in it like orange, browns and red. after that i did a selection in the middle and burnt it really dark. to give the effect that it was rusting from the middle-out. then i deselected everything and blended with the burning tool some more. so basically Color, burn. and thats all :]

work has been a bit slow on this i know…im kinda starting to wish this project was finished :stuck_out_tongue:

anways, here’s an idea for the scene setup + a little more added to the scene and small changes…i will be modeling the full scene sometime soon.

well, no-one is really replying…hmm…

oh well :]

i’ve been working on my scene some more. i really like the feel of it. but i think its missing something…i dunno, i really need some C&C on this one.

I like the latest, looks much better then the hazy orange one!! I think the black seams may be a bit too black and not dirty enough, like we know you can do! :wink: Keep going it’s lookinig good, not much to c&c really :slight_smile: One thought though, perhaps add in a few more drones to make the scene come together a bit, some coming out of the holes, and some going in.