[Theme] Another dark theme, Material


As a new Blender user I love the ability to customize every piece of the interface in Blender.

Here is an attempt to create a dark theme, please note it’s a work in progress.

material_dark.xml (49.7 KB)


Looks good - I’ll give it a try.
I like the greenish color - good contrast :smiley:
Is this inspried by the new icons for 2.8?

Thanks man,

Not really inspired but in the end quite close yep. I like dark themes with one color accent :slight_smile: Less exhausting for the eyes and help to focus on the content ( my opinion ).

They should add the ability to control the theme in a global way for a quicker and clean result : dark / light / accent color.

Right now you have to tweak every window and menus to get a coherent UI, it’s a bit cumbersome.

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Man this is really nice. I’ll give it a whirl tonight.

Yeah, having to tweak for every editor takes forever. I’ve been putting together some code to change similar settings for all editors at once.

Nice, do you mind sharing it ?

I was thinking about tweaking the .xml file but I guess something is possible directly inside Blender ? I didn’t play with Python at this time.

Yeah, let me do a little tweaking to it when my computer gets done updating. I thought I had it working pretty good and then when I started making a theme it errored out on a couple of the settings.

Tried it now and my eyes are buring :smiley:
Not in a bad way - actually I am used to an almost complete desaturated UI, so this new color is hard for me to look at. But it looks nice! Especially the font rendering!

But for now, I can’t use it, because of some things.
I recommend to scale the vertex size a bit. Is this the default size at the moment? I can’t remeber the default on,e but this is now really small.

The selection outline is still orange. It would be a good idea to change this to white or your accent color.

Haha, I like when it’s popping out ! But I haven’t used it extensively so maybe it is a bit too bright in the long run. That’s why I would like to code a thing to choose an accent color one time and automatically propagate to the corresponding color swatches.

Note that I’m using a calibrated screen with a luminance of 100cd/m2, maybe it plays a bit.

And yes the vertex size is really small, crank it up to 6, I find it more useable.

I didn’t change the color outline because it matches well my OGL lights :


Working on making the code into a addon.

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Thank you a lot man, I will take a deeper look into this next week. It looks like what I had in mind, but better :slight_smile:

This looks good. Thanks for sharing

Tnx JohnDo!!
It’s fantastic!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

Is possible to solve the problem with RGB Curve Node?
I don’t see the curve… :thinking:

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Oops. Thanks for noticing this, like I said it’s a work in progress, I haven’t used it much.

It’s fixed in the file below.

material_dark.xml (49.7 KB)

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Now work! Very nice theme, tnx!!!

Thanks ! I got used to it quite quickly. Nice theme.

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Here is the 2.8 version. Work with and without Region Overlap enabled.

material_dark_2_8.xml (51.8 KB)

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I have updated the file in the first post for a better support of the Text Editor