[Theme] Graph 1.41 (In Trunk Now!)

great, I love it!

Looking good will try it. I like the colored nodes idea. is it possible to color the connection lines as well?

Looking good will try it. I like the colored nodes idea. is it possible to color the connection lines as well?

Yep it’s themed, but not by node type as i know. That was a nice idea that someone can try to code =)

Graph 1.3 is in blendernation today! \o/

Hope it can bring more interested people to try and help to improve it with some feedback and ideas.
I’m working in a big overhaul in color consistence of components and visibility. I will post some screens soon :slight_smile:

This theme is amazing, it makes blender much nicer to use! I hope the dev team incorporate some of these changes as default.

(I’ve never installed a theme before, it took a while to work out.)

  1. file->user preferences->themes->install theme… select graph.xml, then save user settings
  2. open Startup.blend then file->save startup file

I will put some instructions in the first page, indeed not everyone must know how to install it =)

I used the theme for few hours, animating, modeling, compositing, and video editing.
Here is what I found out.

  1. modeling: edge color for seams, sharp, crease wrong color, have to relearn them. Grid color is good. Layer button color when off is bad.
  2. animating: Grid lines almost same value as unselected channel, hard too see. Handles are OK.
  3. compositing: node header same color, hard to find node based on type. noodle color is good, enough contrast.
  4. video editing: very hard to differentiate audio from video from image, only effects are easier to see.
  5. other areas of blender: main header hard to read. Too many lines when panels are collapsed. Text, hard to read, value diff to background too low.

When I look away after using Graph 1.3 for few hours, I see orange, orange everywhere. XD

About Seams, Sharp and Crease the original colors don’t match the theme at all. I don’t think it’s a big deal to relearn it ( change theme cause people have to relearn a lot of things… ) but i will take a look and see if it can be more intuitive than now.

Thanks for your feedback, i will take a look point by point and see if its already addressed in my updates for the next version.

Two WIP gifs for the next version so far. have a lot to things to fix yet but the list of components done is huge so far

UI Components

Modelling Workspace

More Soon :slight_smile:

i love your theme very professional looking well done

nice theme, i make it as my default now ^^

Guys, how (or where) do you enable AA? The default cube looks all jaggie :frowning:

File / User Preferences / System / Window Draw Method -> Multisample x

Animation Workspace of Graph 1.4 WIP

Less vibrancy, minor distracting more consistence

hope finish Graph 1.4 during this week :slight_smile:

I see from the latest screenshots you’ve already figured this out, but for anybody else that wants to know, the color setting for this is in the Info group as “Header Text”.

I see from the latest screenshots you’ve already figured this out, but for anybody else that wants to know, the color setting for this is in the Info group as “Header Text”.


Actually this is not fixed since what we really need is a way the change the Warning Box Inner color or to change the warning text color and the header text color independently. Today they share the same text color and the warning box is not themed by itself so if you have a dark color in info editor header you can’t apply a good text color for both warning box and info header at the same time. Today i just choose lets text color brighter to have a good info header instead have a good warning box text visibility ( it almost invisible today when warning box appears ). It’s listed as i known issue for Graph 1.4 already.

Hi !
I would love to test this theme but I’m getting this error:

I use this build http://www.graphicall.org/444
Hope it could be fixed. Thanks for good work :wink: (I could tell from screenshots :p)

I could not reproduce your error, but looking into your print screen looks like some problem with the path (and/or with some not supported character) of your file. try to copy it to the C: root or desktop and add from there.

Ok I finally managed to make it work ! All I had to done was to place graph.xml in scripts/presets/interface_theme folder. It automatically showed up in the list.

Hey, just wanted to leave another comment. Finally updated to 1.3 version and I have to say the improvement is great! Keep at it. I hope the devs load this theme as default when it’s done.