Themes Competition! [Finished, New Themes Committed]

Thanks! Keep in touch we will update it for the 1.41 version in the Blender 2.72 release. Now with themed Pie Menus :slight_smile:

Sorry, double post, please see below :slight_smile:

Update on Dark_Slate, fixed backgrounds, tabs, and pie menus:

Another one I’ve been using a lot, Sandy_Slate. It should be up tonight for download/testing if it’s not too late. I’ll put it up for download regardless when it’s finished ):

I’ve compiled a short list of proposed changes & competition results.

Release OLD:
back to black
blender_24x (update)
hexagon (move to contrib)
ubuntu_ambiance (move to contrib)

Release NEW:
back to black
blender24x update (new) by rrtk
softimage (new) by aermartin
science lab (new) by yii7
graph (new) by vitorbalbio

Contrib OLD:
dark blue gradient
modo (remove)
soft default (remove)
soft image (move to release)
toxic (replace with new from VickyM72)
zbrush (remove)

Contrib NEW:
dark blue gradient
hexagon (from release)
ubuntu_ambiance (from release)
sandy_slate (new by VickyM72)
chocolate (new) based on theme by hja.
rtheme (new) by PLyczkowski

Thanks to all the participants, all entries were great & the choices were hard to make. I will be making updates to some themes & finalizing the list soon & uploading a patch to the tracker for review.
Thanks again!
Let’s have some better designed Themes in 2.73 :slight_smile:

i’ve been using graph for four months now and it’s easily better than the all default ones . and highly satisfying as well.
i would love graph theme to be in the trunk.

Sandy Slate 1.0 is up:
Still having issues in a few small places, but it’s pretty complete as it is. Sculpt Mode items are not shown until mouseover, but changing it messes with the other menu items. I’ll fix it, and it will be updated soon.

None of the themes I liked made it and the accepted ones are “underwhelming”. All right, there is still Blender class theme.

P.S.: in Sandy Slate lights have a strange red line going down towards the 0,0,0 plane ?!?

@jpb06: That’s the “vertical height marker”, I have dimmed it a bit by adding 50% alpha. Not going to update until I fix a few more things in the next hour or so.

Sorry you feel that way about the themes, but anyone could have contributed, including you.

If I officially proposed that BF members breathe ~16 times per minute, tomorrow you would read in the news of a mysterious episode of mass asphyxia in Amsterdam.

I was hoping for Coldsteel but probably I expressed too much interest and appreciation for it. Dear riverter, accept my heartfelt apologies.

I’m really glad that Graph made it in! I should have mentioned that my theme (muted pro) was an update to Elsyiun, because I fixed some of the problems (hard to read header text, etc…). I did a fair amount of aesthetic tweaking though, so I wasn’t sure if it should be counted as its own or not. Either way, thanks for taking the time to update these!

Thanks! Before Graph i have used Elsyiun for years! It was my start base for Graph 1.0 too!
Even if it’s not in future contrib or release, i liked your modifiers on it Jonathan. If it’s not, post it in the Theme/Addon section i’m sure some can use it as default. Great job :yes:

HI, please note that there may be some changes to the final list, possibly even some mergers.
Cool Steel is top of list for next one.
I will try to have more themes included, but cannot promise anything.
looking at Elsyiun, Graph & zbrush for example, they are very similar. imo, it would be better to only use Graph in this case.
so I will continue testing & update results soon. current list will not change too much, but i believe there may be room for a few more.
Thanks again.

IMHO Zbrush and Elsyiun are similar (grey + yellow highlights) but Graph is different enough (Grey + Blue ) to justify keep Elsyiun and Graph in release. A lot of people uses Elsyiun today and just remove it would not be a good thing. I think there’s room for both :slight_smile:

Graph looks very nice! reminds me of my softdefault inputs.

Man I wish there was a search/filter input under theme settings, I noticed a major flaw with my Softimage theme, the curves in N-panel are invisible. Any other themer who knows straight up where that setting is?

Compare “Input” to “Theme” tab in settings, you know what I mean by search/filter.

I fixed some things I missed, here is the updated version :

Option tick boxes where hard to see with overlay 3d view - Fixed.

Node text was broken while fixing the addon text shadows on my recent update. Both are fixed now.

Node Text and colors were hard to read if the window was small - Fixed.

Latest Version >

Thanks for putting me on the release list by the way :slight_smile:


Update to Sandy Slate:
Minor fixes, still have some text issues, and unfortunately, the sculpting tools are attached to the menus, which, in turn, screws up the entire theme. Sculpt tool names are viewable only on mouseover, and I can’t find a way to fix it. :frowning:

All great exept for Back to black,meaning no offence but does anyone actually use that one?

hi, I wrote Back To Black as a workable true black design to test my knowledge of the at the time brand new themes .xml presets. I wanted to push the limits of what could be done. It was hard to accomplish whilst retaining readability, to write a “True Black” theme. Also quite different in software ui color design. it’s somewhat unique to have a black theme that works without being offensive to look at.
I was considering my new version of dark blue gradient to replace it, given I wrote it in the same 'change every tone to similar-complete rewrite method.
I decided against moving back to black given the hours I put in designing it & it’s unique nature.

Hi Again!
Here’s how things are shaping up.

This gives us 22 themes.
Blender24x is duplicated,
Bringing it to 21.
If I remove Zbrush only, due to it’s noted similarity with elsyiun theme, it comes down to 20

The following themes will be added to addons_contrib/presets/interface_theme in the blender git repo soon.

blender24x update (new) by rrtk
softimage update by aermartin
sandy_slate (new by VickyM72)
chocolate (new) based on theme by hja.
rtheme (new) by PLyczkowski
science lab (new) by yii7
graph (new) by vitorbalbio
energy_theme (new) by Light BWK

Thanks & Congrats!
Once I commit all the themes, (I will need to do some small things to them first) I will post a link here.
I will then ask theme writers to download their own themes from the blender repo before sending updates.

Shortly after 2.72 release the following:
science lab (new) by yii7
graph (new) by vitorbalbio
softimage update by aermartin
blender24x update (new) by rrtk
Will be submitted as a patch on blender developer site for inclusion in 2.73 release.

Thanks again to everyone involved.