Hi all, i just want to show my current char wich is me:
And here is test pose:
There is some problems with deforming, but i try to fix them.
(It’s my challenge peace at CgTalk and textures are not allowed)
Any advises, comments, crit… don’t hold back [/img]
Hey Poju. Saw this on CGTalk. Nice work! and it does look a bit like your photo. I don’t have any real crits ('cept the deformations in the pose- but I know you’re working on that.)
Nice fast work.
It might be a little too late for that, but a great tip when modelling characters (thanks Lyubomir ) is to model them with their joint half bend. This makes the deformation much smoother and the joints will bend in the right way all the time (when using IK).
Teeth: Yes i tryed that once and it won’t work so nice in my weird pose’s.
Example if i model arm half way down and i wan’t to pose arms up… but thank’s anyway.
I think bump maps are allowed. Deformations look pretty good on this one! I do see a flat area on the front of the knees, and the hands could use a bit more refining. overall great model. You’re getting good very quickly.
A note on joint deformation: I once listened to a session by a ilm employee, on a new joint smoothing algorithm he/they were developing. He showed us some footage from Attack of the clones, and then somewhat shocked me by mentioning that, after the basic animation is done, each scene is hand tweaked to fix joint problems, basically a huge mass of vertex animations that are only applicable to that scene.
So you’re not alone.
Poju, bumpmaps are allowed if you choose to use them
From the rules:
"6) Bumpmaps are allowed throughtout the challenge and for final voting "
I must say, I’ve been looking through the challenge entries so far and yours definitely stands out as one of the best. The face has got so much expression and character. Love it!
-I don’t care if world is gray-
-It does not matter if it’s night or day-
-I sit to my comfy chair-
-I start fishing and take cold beer-
-I see worries drifting away-
-I start dreaming and drink that beer-