




@HooglyBoogly :point_up:

Words to live by, needs to be on a post-it note in sight of any dev that touches UI(for any product).


While this may be true, ‘helpful tooltips’ and ‘explain the laws of physics or sensible values to use for arbitrarily picked use case’ are two very, very different concepts.

What’s going on around these parts with the shitpiling towards UI decisions?

greetings, Kologe


Man, I agree with you, but this makes it really hard to get on board. Screaming just makes everything you say sound unreasonable. It certainly wouldn’t make me more inclined to take your concerns seriously if I was a developer.


I detest the zbrush UI far more than I am mildly inconvenienced by the Blender 2.79 UI. However, every somewhat complex software would benefit from the extra detailed tooltips like in zbrush.

It could also be good if we could set our own tooltips so that it we learn something useful (e.g. from a forum search or video tutorial) we can make our own notes and store them in some file, e.g. in %appdata%\Blender[version]\Tooltips…


ZBrush UI is not really that bad (I have used ZBrush) it’s only the duplicated menus that bother me at least and there is not search input for quickly searching tools or options. And I hate it’s navigation but turns out I had to disable the XYZ rotation and enable y to mimic the navigation we are all used to in blender.

Yeah but it would benefit only a single user and not all users lol

that’s the point though

If all tooltips were defined in a single python text file and you could add a custom file that overwrites or appends onto the default values of specific entries, I’d use it a lot, especially in the tool tips of shader nodes and geometry nodes. Oh and those override menu commands that are named the same as the outliner context menu override commands but do 2 different things.


Equivalent of Blender’s tooltips is this:

What You shared is extended tooltip, feature that Blender does not have, so its not odd that single field does not have it.
Untill recently only single line tooltips were even possible.

To have it, whole system would have to be coded.

For now best what currently Blender can do is F1 on mouseover.

Thats just only 1 sec more to load. But its just what it is. Since there are no community members willing to write UI code.


Actually a really good idea. More detailed tooltips are much appreciated, even for advanced users. :partying_face:


nah, only a weak dev would think that
a grown man pay attention on what was said, not how was said


Not if it was done as a sort of ‘extension’ addon and then put on the new website.

Yes, it would take a bit of work to create the UI to manage multiple sources of tool-tips, etc. Like combining say one set for shader nodes, with someone else’s set for sculpting, etc. Along with maybe a means by which to highlight any overlaps from 2 or more tool-tip ‘extensions’ and let the user select which one they want to use or even half combine and write your own version.

But once done, the dev’s could in theory no longer worry about tool-tips at all, the community would do it all, managed by the Extensions Platform.


Version A:

What the hell is a “weak dev”? That sounds like some idiotic thing a teenager would say to justify their childish outbursts and verbal abuse of others. “Grown men” know better than to waste time listening to someone who can’t take a moment to collect their thoughts and express themselves as adults. That’s the problem with this world, every screaming idiot thinks that their barbaric grunts are worth listening to.

Version B:

I’m uncertain about the term ‘weak dev,’ as it seems somewhat dismissive and might not foster constructive dialogue. Over time, many of us learn the value of focusing on well-reasoned discussions rather than giving attention to loud or impulsive remarks. Mature communication often involves taking a moment to gather our thoughts and express them in a clear, respectful manner. This helps in not only being understood but also in encouraging meaningful and productive exchanges.

I hope that this sufficiently demonstrates why how something is communicated is just as important as the what.

To get back on point. I agree with having longer tooltips or better way to access information. It’s not a high priority as opening another tab to check Blender documents isn’t a big deal for me. The problem is that sometimes the documents themselves are insufficient and don’t really resolve my question without additional Googling. Although that might be more of a “me” problem.

Just to be clear, I personally don’t think using all caps by the other poster is a big deal but obviously everyone interprets things differently.


Guys, please!
I know I contributed to it myself, but we’re well into an offtopic discussion about UI here now.

@moderators: Would you mind splitting this off whenever you have a moment, please?
Thank you.

greetings, Kologe


there it is
see? thats exactly what im talking about
oh well

Problem is, if you talk about it using adjectives like weak to describe another person’s attitude or decision or opinion or whatever, you will just sound immature and obnoxious, no matter what point you’re making.

greetings, Kologe


This is a discussion about tooltips in Blender. Please stay on topic, thanks :slight_smile:

That’s a fabulous idea. Are the internal tooltips modifiable with python scripts?

Best case scenario is to have either standard tooltips or advanced ones, so you can choose whatever you prefer.

As for example this is something that recently Adobe Photoshop added, you can choose depending on how you want to view tooltips (or not at all).

In this example though, if you see about having a huge popup tooltip showed for the move tool… This is a bit silly in this case, but the real deal is about consider using dozens of addons with dozens of operations each one, so definitely you would need to have more informative way of usage.