Truedisplacement [update 23-8-2003]

update (GUI ready):


So we’re next to a release?


cool, I am now happy :slight_smile:

I can’t take it anymore!! I WANT IT NOW!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


just a side note: there are some free programmes out there that map a high vert count mesh, and create a displacement map from it, then you can apply that displacement map to a low vert count version of your mesh…
I’m getting a graphics card error so haven’t tested it yet, supports .obj so we should be able to use it, could someone give it a try? if the second option S68 mentioned is implememnted this would be a good companion.

make your high detail model, map it, then using Manuels cool script apply it to a low vert count model, for animation faster rendering etc, what do you think??

sounds like a cool script.

I remeber something akin in the old days that would displace vertex based on vertex painting. So basicly, it did a copy of the object and you could more or less paint bumps on it.


I must fix some little problem, mainly in the load
of tga. I think to release it at the end of next week.

now a little problem. If I use a code like

foo = NMesh.getRaw(meshname)

the foo.update() work

but if I use a code like

foo = NMesh.getRawFromObject(objectname)

the foo.update() don’t work

It’s a bug?

Yet in the list effort:

How is it interpreted by Blender’s scanline? or Yafray?

I will give it a try! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I thought Blender could already do this with noise or does it suck ?

Blender make this only for planar mapping.
A first solution to solve this problem is by Antony D’Agostino:
Displacement Mapping Suite 1.0, here:

It’s a several python scripts that enable Blender to support Spherical, Cylindrical, and Toroidal Displacement Mapping.

My script enable displacement for any UVmapping and any tga resolution.
And It’s very different from colorvertex displacement, because you use
a very detailed map, can be edit with Gimp and reused on any object.

Actually it work on real Blender geometry, but I’m working to translate it into a feature to export directly in Yafray too: the blender scene will be the same, but Yafray rendering will be with true displacement…

If I don’t have a new bug surprise, the script will be available
at the end of this week. Now I’m test it on MakeHuman mesh
(quickly and dirty):

OH MAN!!! :o :o :o :o

I can’t wait to try this out. I can’t wait until the end of the week!!!


Another test: 5 minutes to make it.

Oh wow, will this script come with a height editor as well ?

Waw, that MakeHuman modification looks great. For me, it brings across the possibilities of the script a lot better than the previously shown deformed sphere.

Greatly simplified, is it as simple as putting a greyscale pic of a muscled body over the MakeHuman mesh and ‘displacing’ the MakeHuman mesh according to the muscle data?

This would really be an awsome way of adding small detail without endless vertex pushing…

Manu, you’re one of the greatest!

Yes, you are understand perfectly the use of the script. :slight_smile:
This is the mapping used for the displace:

Manuel: Is there a possibility of using the Vertex Painting feature in Blender to do this kinstead of making greyscale textures in PS or GIMP and having to UV map?

Just a suggestion.


BgDM: well, you can probably use Texture Painting, which would have the same effect as vertex painting, BUT you could start with an already made greyscale instead of starting from scratch (when using vertex painting).
