Truedisplacement [update 23-8-2003]

Download here, in the section “laboratory”:

/me downloads and gets very, very excited!!!

Thanks for this Manuel! This is gonna be a great addition.


lots of help please.
Please upload a test .tga
I keep getting image not bottom origin

Here’s a quick tga image file I made; nothing fancy, but it works for me:

Thanks Manuel and crew; very nice script.

Why is it in txt format ?

Ok, I downloaded the script and tried it out, is this the truedisplacement script or is this one of the old ones that allows sphere and other shapes ?


Thanks for help

Thanks a LOT!!!
You enhanced Blender with a MUST HAVE tool.
Incredible Work, and congratulations !!!

Has anyone tried this script on a Linux system. I have tried it with 2.26 and 2.27.I get the same results: The script either terminates or it says it is parsing the tga and just sits there. I think it is something other than using the wrong kind of mesh but just in case, give me an example of a legal mesh.


All mesh are legal, it must be UVmapped.
What’s the output in console?


256 256 18
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/zaug/blender/Python/”, line 176, in bevent
elif (evt== 3): displaceTrue(Path.val,DisplaceVal.val)
File “/home/zaug/blender/Python/”, line 84, in displaceTrue
listUV[index] = [face.uv[i][0],face.uv[i][1]]
IndexError: list index out of range

Also could you elaborate on “uv mapped”.

Thank you for your response,

This happen because the mesh don’have UV coord.
My mistake is to not handle this error with a message. But
you must assign the UV coord to object before use the script.

Split the Blender screen in two parts, a 3D window and a UV/image editor.

select the mesh, press FKEY to enter in face select mode.

in the UV/image load the tga to use, and after in 3D win
press UKEY to calculate and assign the UV coord. To make
a quick test use “bounds to 1/1”.

Now you can apply the displace.

Manuel, excellent script. Didn’t comment until I got a chance to test it and boy am I pleased. Well done.

very elegant indeed

I have a question though:

can be (at least some) functionality ported to work with 225 or even bl223/Py 2.01?
(there are some reasons for this)

I do mean - at least to provide more control on hightfields

If so, can someone point on where to look to do a bit diy work?

Thank you so much ! It’s Working !! Tis a great thing you have done here.


Here’s a test that was perform, I use the UV method like you said.

A first raw try with this amazing script (better displacement image on the way…).
Thank you very much, Manuel! :smiley:


I was trying to figure where to put this and saw the above examples so here it goes.
When I wanted to test Manuel’s truedisplacement script I was looking
through my files for greyscale images and saw this picture I found on the
web and thought this would be a great test. Subtle range of greys and
blotchy picture.

It was a jpg of Peter Lore from a movie. I converted it to greyscale non
rle targa with Gimp.

The results are here: Right click and save picture as, it is a jpg 1024 X
768 with samples of different displace results. each sample plane was
subdived 6 times 1st.

The letters of the pictures go left to right top to bottom and mean this
A displace .5
B same but different camera angle
C same as A but with subsurf set smooth and UV rendered
D displace .1
E same with UV Map
F displace .2
G .2 with UV
H .3
I same with UV map

All in all I think this picture shows some of the possiblitys of the
displacement script, by smoothing out the greyscale and manipulating your tga to displace you could get even better results. I’m impressed Manuel and thanks for a wonderful tool.

Thanks to all :smiley:
I’m working to make a new release to solve the bottom left
problem, and to run under 2.23 to. I hope to release a new beta at
the end of next week.

I’m testing the script under 2.28 pre release: it work with little

Manuel, I’m very excited about this script, but I’m wondering if you plan to include modification of the grey scale value, the reasion I ask, is so that it can be fine tune to create a perfect value for the project.