Ubuntu 11.04 Final out

Yeah, well Quaz, 10.10 may be good and all, but it crashed on my regular laptop 2 times at quite crucial moments (so it is running 10.04 LTS now), and on my new netbook it doesn’t detect some hardware. Ubuntu 11.04 detects everything out of the box, and everything works out of the box, which is nice imo.

Although I did have some trouble with the webcam, until I found out that Fn+F6(webcam icon button) turns the webcam on/off, you can enable/disable WIFI the same way with Fn+F8(WIFI icon button) but it was on by default.

Disabled unity and the issues with my tablet in GIMP cleared up. I liked the new interface, but if it’s going to break stuff.

@Jay: I know what you mean. I’d messed up a few things anyway, so I did a fresh install. It’s been really smooth so far.

Thanks ben already figured that out. As far as unity goes, i’ve kind of hidden most things that make it feel like i’m working in a giant mobile phone, so i guess it will usable when they eventually ditch the old gnome panels in the next release.