[Un-official] Chaos Corona 3.0 exporter for Blender | Now supported Blender 4.0 or later

v1.5.2 is out on first post!

could you please tell what is wrong with this?

Can you put here your blend file?

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it says i cannot upload files cos imma new user. i have sent to your mail.

Which mail did you sent? I have not any outbox messages recieved.

[email protected]

This is mine mail, but there is have not any messages. Just sent by my telegram accaunt or by BCorona’s Telegram group.

You can always upload to a file hosting site and post a link here.

New v1.5.5 is out on first post!


thank you this works.

have you planned to support “Auto smooth” option in “Normals” option of the mesh properties?

Another question is: all modifiers are supported? it seems that Edge Split is not. I had to apply it to have the mesh correctly rendered.

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Hi. Well, good question. Yes, I planning to fix not just Auto-smooth option but as you said All modifiers too (as much as I can). Also I found some bug related to Collections too. It export also invisible/visible/hide meshes too. Really strange.



I can’t see the texture in the material preview slot.

Where am I wrong?

It is normal. The reason v3.0 standalone is not supported Texture preview officially. For MatPreview you can use v1.6 standalone.

Ok. Clear.
So, the v3 is the only free, right?
for v1.6 I have to buy it. Correct? If yes, it’s usable with your addon?

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Yes, your both questions are right. ))

Well, this plugin still doesn’t support previews.
Corona v1.6 stand-alone (2017-01-17) creates them just fine in Temp directory, but aren’t picked up and fed back to Blender - preview slot is left empty.

??? Doesnt understand what do you mean

Previews are rendered and get saved in Temp folder,
but Blender Preview slot is left empty.