Unidentified Flying Object (Finished Game)

I noticed that there is an invisible wall, or was that intentional? Anyways i got 87 for my second try.

It was purely intentional =D

I’m now adding laser walls that you need to find the switch and turn off to get passed.

The first time i hit it i was like “Oh theres a wall there!” lol.

The laser walls will be a good addition.

Oh i also noticed that theres 16 coins

Yes, that was accidental, the one coin was for testing purposes.

Anyway, I will use this thread to post updates/demos for Z-74.

This looks interesting…but…I’m running Ubuntu at the moment and your game crashed WINE. :frowning:

Wanna make a Linux version? Or maybe I should hop onto my Windows machine =P

I can send you the .blend, if you promise not to steal =P

No, I won’t steal anything.

the game ran pretty well on Wine 1.0 under fedora. the controls are not that <insert random Angry Videogame Nerd quote here> the trick is to quickly tap opposite directions to compensate the acceleration. it’d be good to control it with an analog stick.

Ninety Nine seconds XD
Great game!

Has no one broken a minute 'cept for me?

I will release the blend for UFO when Z-74 comes out. I’m glad everyone likes this! I will buy a game controller and map the keys to it, so in the options you can set for keyboard or controller. I’ll map about 10 different game controllers to it (depending on the layout) then you select your kind and it’ll save.

I think that’ll make the controlling easier.

Hey, is there any way to do video tracking in the GE? I saw one game that was going to try to do an “eye candy” styled game. But I was just wondering. How cool would it be to control the UFO with one finger! Use the force luke!

What’s going on with the abduct cows thing? And the mission briefing?
You say it’s finished… I don’t really understand what’s going on. Are you gonna make a new game from this?
Edit: Video tracking may be possible with complicated python and/or maybe C/C++ libraries, all put together with the GameLogic module…

By video tracking, do you mean motion tracking? as in using a video source to detect moving regions as an input?

It defo can be done - I pondered about doing head tracking not long ago, and received some really good advice…Search the support section for ‘head tracking’

I think that you can use a plugin called called AR Toolkit - That should provide you with almost everything you need to do it.

but if your talking about cool ways of controlling stuff in games, then you simply must check this out - Awesome stuff! actually does require you to use the force! (http://emotiv.com/ - neural activity reader)

B3D00: I’m making a sequel to the mini-game. Didn’t you read through the thread?

Do you like it?

