@sebastian84 please try and remain on topic
rigid body joint constraint UI is restored in upbge 0.3.0 btw - I don’t think there is a create costraint logic brick for it though.
rigid body constraints are in object constraint panel
@sebastian84 please try and remain on topic
rigid body joint constraint UI is restored in upbge 0.3.0 btw - I don’t think there is a create costraint logic brick for it though.
rigid body constraints are in object constraint panel
@BluePrintRandom @aWeirdOwl i see… thanks for info guys. yea,looks like i need more to experiment around…
i have one super task for you guys. Code a multiplayer feature !!! this is definetly one of the biggest features ever would be…
imagine you are in game and then could click a button and load from blender next object with logic and physics settings etc…
what happened to the mutliplayer addon that someone was developing?
man about this rigid body joint, i don’t know much, but i tried integrating the jreo physics car into 2.8 and everything works perfectly, except for the camera where you have to change some world to local things … the whole physics are rigid body constraints. And the shadows … they work i mean iv seen this discussion before and i cant figure it out what’s not working
yea thanks for guide about rigid body joints BPR but the biggest problem still is the setup . its dam slow. at leats there could be button to place pivot on 3D cursor location but there isnt. so if you want to build something accurate you can spend terrible long time…
just put a cube at the object that is getting the joint
move it where the joint will be, and subtract the X’s , y’s and z’s for their 2 positions - this gives you the offset but it’s in world space*
that said - move offset to cursor would be a nice workflow
but using py to spawn the object -> move it to place ->
6dof_runtime_with_breaking.blend (753.7 KB)
edit - included a py version
So am I right to assume that UBGE will insist on forcing users to stick with the old object color hack rather than actually implement a system where users can make their own uniforms with names and a UI, based on the type?
Here is an example of how UPBGE uniforms could work in a modern shading setup.
Even before, users in every other engine can define a UI with uniforms that can be a color, a value, a boolean, or a texture. This is assuming that the community here will come to have industry knowledge that does not start and end with UPBGE.
Make builds take time and now I was using that time for development for 0.2.5a and other 0.3 features.
Nothing more. Simply lack human resources.
you can add as many uniforms as you like - however they are not per object - they are per material
object color is a unique uniform PER object
yea i really dont understand this script : (
i just checked… the 3D cursor doesnt have switch to see local position from objects…
so the idea would be very simple for you guys WHO got brain and CAN script , not like me…
first,select object for which you want to adjust rigid body joint pivot
then place 3D cursor and click a button . which would add vertex on the 3D cusror location and then copy that vertex local location of the the selected object and paste it in rigid body joint pivots location…
this speed up things incredible…
Please, Ace stop trolling. it is very bored after so many years
See my post, Godot 4.0 changes this so you have all the power of uniforms (ie. custom name, custom type, UI) while being per-object or per-material. UPBGE having that would mean object color becomes obsolete.
having the ability to add more uniforms per object is cool
but by no means a deal breaker - custom input nodes could be added too
you can create your own frag / vertex shader even and wrap it in py and update the uniforms.
Even without uniforms being per-object, it would give UPBGE users a powerful option to edit materials in game.
Custom-defined uniforms essentially means you can easily access them using a scripting API and change them directly, otherwise the object color thing gives you just 4 possible custom values in an entire material to play with through code (which is really not that much for some game types).
i understand now… i thought you just press press merge button for UPBGE and latest blender development branch and then another button uploaded to mega…
never understoor your process release UPBGEs…
its just that blender got many update since 1 week and then i still waiting for some bug fixes and i only started use UPBGE eevee and not the official blender daily releases
oh and then the rigid body joint window should really have the copy button like modifiers do… or not? : )
every single click saving is improving UPBGE in usability and making more fun and potentially attracting more / new users : )
we can do that
Even without uniforms being per-object, it would give UPBGE users a powerful option to edit materials in game.
Custom-defined uniforms essentially means you can easily access them using a scripting API and change them directly, otherwise the object color thing gives you just 4 possible custom values in an entire material to play with through code (which is really not that much for some game types).
mat = own.blendObject.active_material
node_tree = mat.node_tree
node = nodes_tree.nodes['NodeName']
node.inputs[index].default_value = "Fu"
this issue with this though is it effects all users of the material
(good for stuff like a time uniform or a player position vector)
where as object color only effects that object - good for sprites / FX drivers
and vertex color effects all objects using that mesh - good for unique meshes lots of them - but all using 1 material - (like buildings with variation using vertex color)
They add new features - Loki / Youle and youle does merges (by hand) with master every day or so.
you can create builds yourself following this guide
https://wiki.blender.org/wiki/Building_Blender - and applying the upbge git address instead of blenders
git link is available here - https://github.com/UPBGE/upbge
after you have the repo downloaded you can do
make update
make full
well i heard that you UPBGE developers developing UPBGE from your personal motivation and not getting any financial support. but how about doing presentation / explanation video why UPBGE is special game engine of all other that exist, for attracting some sponsors for hiring you and new developers to make better than already “best game engine”
i mean even godot GE got epic mega grant. or im mistaken? i really would like to know if like
tim sweeney even aware of UPBGE and its amazing incredible speciality… maybe some rich game loving people would help then to shoot UPBGE to real games creating revolution…
a megagrant would require us to have a blender developer to pay*
if you find any that are not 100% employed let us know but Ton will likely get them first
I have offered money / bounties and if the community wanted it could all kick in
but we need someone who has a track record of doing this stuff, and doing it well.