Upbge - 0.3.0

wow thats interresting, how about kickstarter and are there any websites like kickstarter but to hire developers?

its really a sad and almost a deceive that blender decision makers abandoned BGE . and the interaction mode should have started last year or so right? i thinking about it everyday how it was promissed and then said, we cant do it because blender need some development first, and then there are no developer to hire, and then there are other better game engines or sorry … really super uncool to abandon BGE comminuty like that… and like asking community in blender conference what next part of blender should get improved which then decided VSE and texutre layers or so… that showed to me the people are completely saturated already… and so BGE community just beeing forgotten… : ( : (

6 posts were split to a new topic: Off Topic discussion from UPBGE - 0.3.0

You guys have your own developers, who sound like they would not even touch an offer from Ton no matter how much it pays.

Any megagrant would be for the UPBGE fork specifically, though I assume it would at least expect you to keep it up to date with Blender master.

our developers offered to pay to keep it, not the other way around.

please keep this discussion related to the engine, it’s features,
and updates etc.

unless you have a spare developer who we can pay,
all else is moot/


ace dragon:

Any megagrant would be for the UPBGE fork specifically, though I assume it would at least expect you to keep it up to date with Blender master.

me just above it:

They add new features - Loki / Youle and youle does merges (by hand) with master every day or so.

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alright, so i figured this out a while ago and didnt write about it as i was feeling more frustrated back then. looks like we have little bit of a threading issue, on 2.79 at least.

task pool functions from BLI_task which i have no business tampering with are used in a few key places to speed things up. its all well and good but whenever a new thread is spawned i can’t work with any shader or buffers created beforehand.

i thought that was crazy. but i modified KX_Scene::UpdateAnimations to just do the same calls directly, without threading, and lo and behold, no more segfaults. i can bind the test shader, modify vertex positions and output back the transformation.

however, now my graphics drivers will sometimes shut down during engine runtime. aaah, crap. im sorry folks. but having to tinker this much just to make some basic opengl calls is making me not want to touch blender code.

i have a few more ideas ill try. if that doesnt work either i think im just giving up.


for eevee in 0.2.8 it lools like eevee_materials.c assembles the shaders from smaller snippets

snippets - https://github.com/sobotka/blender/tree/master/source/blender/draw/engines/eevee/shaders

and it uses a UBO to provide each material with uniforms it may need
(think of them like ‘global uniforms’)

I think you could add a ‘#ifdef’ to the vertex shader section of a few chunks of the GLSL

BLI_string_joinN() I think is what is used to parse the strings chunks into the whole thing to compile

^hmm. ive using gpu module directly to create the shader, havent really touched materials as im not doing any actual drawing. it doesnt sound very intuitive. maybe that’s where i went wrong? its worth investigating at least.

I think this is the default grey material everything has when it has no material but I could be wrong

I know I’m gonna sound like a fart-brain, but how would I make fog in UPBGE 0.3.0? I’ve tried using a volume absorption node and plugging it into the world output node’s volume slot, but it just seems to make everything dark.

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Use volume emission instead?

That seems to do the same thing. Also, I can’t seem to find an option for exporting my game as an application.

[1.] about fog - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNbfL0KehiQ

[2. ] about export

enable the game export addon,

then hit F3 and type export game


Amazing! thanks.

:+1:Thanks BluePrintRandom!

So I tried exporting the game into its own folder with the save as game engine runtime addon, but when I start the game it doesn’t work. It looks like it almost starts, but then it shuts down.

does your game run well in standalone mode @Cholmberg ?

Could you send me a DM with a link to the exported game to can see where does it fail?

It’s incredible all the improvements and people involved in UPBGE!
UPBGE is great for people with no coding knowledge (like me)… Those who know how to code can do huge things in UPBGE!

Thank you guys for your commitment


I was wondering, how fast are the bge/bpy modules when being meddled with 60x a second?

I thought I read somewhere that at least the bpy module was cythonized, but rummaging through the folders I couldn’t find .dll compiled modules, only .py files.
We’re experimenting with cythonizing the Logic Nodes Addon, so I just wanted to know if the bpy/bge modules could be bottlenecks