Upbge - 0.3.0

Bpy cythonized is a thing a lot talked but i think never implemented.

Iā€™d wager that this would be something the Blender Foundation itself would have to do? Or could the UPBGE branch have this by itself?

Depends, is it related to build upbge with other python? Or it needs a lot code changes?
First one we can investigate, second one would be more dificult as we need to maintain the code later

I just tried standalone mode, and it also didnā€™t work.

Hello. Just a quick Question: Isnā€™t there a Time Node in 0.3 like in 0.25? I canā€™t find it.

No. Moreover, all that part was totally refactored by Blender Fundation and I canā€™t recover the node (I tryed without succes).

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I have been using a hack to pass the time using a object color value
RGB or A
#this is nice because each timer can be different per object

c = own.color
c[0] =own['Timer']
own.color = c

you can also use

time = own['Timer']
own.blenderObject.active_material.nodeTree.nodes['NodeName'].inputs[index].default_value = time

but this effects all objects using the material


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Thatā€™s a pity. I hope there will come some Possibilities in the Future to animate Materials on Values That would be great. :heart_eyes:

Thank You. I know the workaround to ā€œabuseā€ the Object Color to give Values to the Shader. I always try to avoid continuous running Python Scripts. The Time Node in 0.25 was a Game Changer. :smiley:

We can key frame object color ;D

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You can also keyframe nodes in a shader node_tree (even if the keys are not visibled in the timeline). And the Value node too:

keyframe_value.blend (753.4 KB)

As say BluePrintRandom, it is per material, if you want per object, it can be done with object color.


Hui, thatā€™s a cool thing. Even more flexible than the Time Node. Not only linear. Cool.

hey guys any news on UPBGE eevee development?

new stuff all the time!

youle just added a on_remove() callback for components,

fixed some crashes related to empty audio device

loki made it so you can set the icon of the exported game,

and much much more
(master itself got faster for animations and a few drawing things changed - making a compute shader needed for drawing the UI but reducing the draw calls quite a bit and fixing a bug with mac)


oh cool that sounds nice :ok_hand:

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I tried the new icon path for export game.
I was able to change the small thumbnail icon, but the large thumbnail icon did not change.
Is there a requirement for the icon format?

Could you test using this web (https://iconverticons.com), loading a 512x512px PNG and create a multi-size icon?

It was my procedure to test it


Thanks for the reply.
I was able to make the change!
Thanks for letting me know what the maximum size.


@lordloki_reloaded @aWeirdOwl , guys i really wondering if you talked already about the networking addon for implementing in UPBGE 0.0.3 ? this would be best thing for UPBGE since eevee !!! cant wait to hear the news : )

Hey guys, a few questions about performance features:

  • Can we set override cull for geometry on the camera settings? In my playtests, geometry outside the camera is not culled automatically by default.
  • Is there a way to make ā€˜shadowā€™ and ā€˜collisionā€™ materials? The shadow material should be invisible on render but still cast shadows, and the collision material should also be invisible (as well as no shadows) but work with collisions.

Sorry if theres something obvious I missed, but Ive been looking around for a while and havent found these specific options yet.