Upbge - 0.3.0

You need to reset TAA samples

I’ll get the code one sec

you only need to call this 1 time I think

bge.logic.getCurrentScene().resetTaaSamples = True #to call each frame
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i tried that and it gave me this
what do?
forget i said that
it was because i capitalized it
i’m sorry

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try untick this box

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I think he already has it working*

it’s TAA bluring the thing I think

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Viewport denoising really drops the frame rate…
I turn it off because its not well optimized, or should i say ready to be used in UPBGE Games.


U love TAA buddy lol , I find it okayy, as long as it doesn’t mess around with my normal SSAO and HBAO


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Hey man! anyone knows how i can do this thing- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wk-flby9Tts -in upbge 3.0 or any version above 3.0 ?

making a navigation mesh crashes the engine
is this a bug or can i fix it somehow?

I have been using my own lib for this based on redblob games python A*

how recent is your build?

(there is a build hash / timestamp in startup screen?)


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Why are people rushing builds so quickly ?
We’re already on 2.82?


so we can have quality free program to work with. still my everyday dream is a complete game engine inside blender ! i was hoping for a brush following the normals and a substance painter like easy texturing inside blender. the brush is implemented it follows the surface. i was also hoping for a easy ui … when it was done i already became used to the old one :), but now i got used to both. a instant render like eevee was like a dream come true, with the pbr in real time. blender had some optimizations to catch up … but most of the hard ones are done. i guess that when the agenda of optimizatoins will be done, people can start doin tutorials tricks addons and 3d party programs to integrate within blender ! the game engine is considered to be the heart of the program, the engine that gives life to creations. once that is ready blender will be become a warm heart sentimental program to work with :wink:

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upbge is based on current master

current master of blender is 2.82

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hey dudes ! got my models ready, but i cant test them out, because when i search levels of details on Upbge 0.3.0 i got : - setup levels of detail by name,
- clear all levels of detail
- generate levels of detail
None of this work i got an error for each : ’ calling operator bpy … add_lod … error, could not be found ! 'i won’t copy-paste the whole errors here cause i guess you all know what’s up ! there is no script integrated into bge for these templates . can anyone update this on next release ? cause is really important for optimization purposes ! and i’m tired of exporting and reimporting models to other game engines especially when i have to remodel or repair errors ! oh and merry christmas and a happy new year ! :wink:

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I removed LOD some time ago. This could be restored picking the old code + adapting for 2.8 viewport, but this needs someone who is interested to do this. Else, small LOD managers can easily be written in python. Auto-generation of levels of detail was done with decimate modifier which is still there and can eventually be used at runtime (as we can use bpy during runtime). Other modifiers can also be used to reduce poly number. Else, a python script can be done to choose which level of detail should be used according to object distance to camera.

Doesn’t sound too tough, I’ll take a crack at it. Which files should I look at besides LodManager?

The first step is to compile blender. After you can edit the sources. I removed both blender + bge code related to LOD. But the viewport code related to LOD is still in official blender 2.8 sources : ) (Idk if it is complete though). There was a file named object_lod.c… Else, there was code in DNA_object_types.h, RNA_object.c, BKE_object.h, object.c, readfile.c, writefile.c, library_query.c. There was surely UI code in properties_object.py. This is just the viewport code. As bge is using viewport render, idk exactly what needs to be done to have it working during bge runtime… But the first step is to have it working in viewport.
searching all occurences of “lodlevels” in the code can help.

No problem. I will recover the lodlevels the next. I have located the commits where were removed.

I only need 2 weeks (so much work at day work until end of year).


Alright, then thanks very much to you! : )

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@lordloki what version of linux is required to run upbge eevee ? It was tested on which one ?