Video Sequence Editor - News & Add-ons

Add-on by Jamie Hardt for working with immersive 3D audio in Blender, specifically it allows you to create ADM Broadcast WAVE files for use with Dolby Atmos or other object-based sound mixing workflows. Download:


Patch for the VSE UI: Add Mono, Stereo, 4 Surround, 5.1 Surround and 7.1 Surround Pan Preset Buttons:


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The ImagePaste add-on now officially supports pasting images as Image Strips in the Video Sequence Editor:


I just opened this topic to ask to see if it was possible to import image strips in an easier way. Kudos

One of my add-ons can import meshes ( like .objs, .fbx etc.) from the clipboard, and I was going to look into importing images as well. The add-on you linked is very timely.

Please test and let me know how bracket handles etc. are working for you by downloading the D12308 patched build:


Speed curve drawing on strip test build can be downloaded here(D6110):

A test blend file can be downloaded here: Speed_strip_test1.blend

If you want to see this committed at some point, add comments here:


Blender does a lot of things really good, but the sequencer has always been lacking the ability to organize your footage IMO. As an editor you want to be able to go through your footage/renders very fast, and organize it in the way you prefer, swapping clips, adding clips, replace clips, etc. back and forth to your source and timeline. It’s an important part of the creative process.

This is probably the biggest factor why i always go to different NLE’s.

On the other hand, as i now compare it to an NLE, i might misunderstand the intentions of the sequencer. But even if it is meant for single clips/small projects, i still don’t see the added value compared to most other NLE’s.


Transform Tools in Preview, Overwrite, Snapping and Thumbnail preview on strips are all new features which have landed in Blender VSE 3.0 alpha.


These are all fantastic! Now the VSE can truly be something used by amateur/beginner editors and small projects without much hurdles.

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I know this is a little bit late, but the VSE initially was developed to combine directly footage with 3D elements (rendered or realtime), do VFX masks, and other operations involving 3D geometry and external footage, and the results from the compositor to the final video (or image sequence). It wasn’t developed originally to simply edit footage, so of course if you comes from any NLE (or you are solely an editor), you will find the VSE lacking in editing features, since the VSE wasn’t conceived as an NLE as we know it, and only recently is being worked out towards being one, but it will take time, because still is required to handle all the 3D functionality you won’t find in other packages (except After Effects, that have far more features and knobs to turn :slight_smile: ).


I agree - VSE is primarily for combining 3D scenes.
That’s its strongest trump card. Even C4D+AE (Cineware) can’t boast such deep integration of 3D objects on the editing table.
I wonder why this area hasn’t evolved. I suggested adding the ability to switch ViewLayer in the properties of the 3D-Scene strip:

In conjunction with geo-nodes we can do this kind of thing quite easily and quickly
Easy interaction between Blender scenes within the same file would allow you to have a common camera for two different scenes. One with 3D effects, the other with basic objects.
So many uses for this technology… And with the release of Eevee it’s also fast rendering of masks, small effects, textual 3D elements and other things.
It’s all virtually unavailable anywhere else.

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It hasn’t evolved because it touch several internal systems in Blender, and no Developer (internal or external) has shown interest to update it. (well… many tried, the last developer only did some supeficial, but needed changes, before the GSOC). For what i know, Sergey was the last developer to touch something internal on it, quite a long time ago.

It seems working on the VSE is not as easy at people would think. (Or probably is tedious, but AFAIK not as complex as the sculpt module. Only Sergey can answer this, and he’s not around the forum since looong time ago.)

Only new features ordered by Blender Studio gets committed, and since they apparently do not use Scene strips in their pipeline, the worsening performance of those is not considered a bug.

Rule of thumb: If it isn’t ordered by BS or is a bug, it won’t change.

Yup. That too.

Add-on for channel headers by Ubisoft:


There is any add-on which will add more feature in text strip


  1. Direct edit text in view-port with option to add line space just like any normal video editing app

  2. More option for paragraph arrangement like justify text, left aligned, right aligned

Thank you.

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Top 10 quirks every beginner of the Blender Video Sequence Editor must know:


There’s a very basic function that is not working well in Bender:
‘Reverse Frames’ is reversing the source input and not the strip , similar to /T75178 .
A FIX was proposed but was rejected for questionable reasons [the fix had some issues, but it was preferable than the present situation. I have seen there other fixes rejected because they are not ‘perfect’, prefering to leave the bugs unsolved indefinitely…[i think it’s better to create new less bad bugs and fix the big one…]]

Without the ability to reverse just a section/‘strip’ of a clip, i think i won’t install, so if someone may try this posible way, please tell if it works:
make just a section [‘strip’] of a clip into a ‘meta’ [i think it’s called that], then reverse this meta, and see if it gets reversed as expected, and not a reversing of a different part of the parent clip.
Or, is there another way [other than having to render the section and reverse that…]?

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New VSE stuff in 3.0: