View and Edit Weights by Typing Values?


Is there a way to brute force view and edit weights by typing values?
You can see what I am after here:

There is an existing thread about it

But it ilimited to select vertex using left click.


Something like “set weight” can be done with the “assign” button.

Something like scale weight would be done via the “vertex group levels” operation in weight paint. I’m not familiar with Maya, but that’s what it looks like (although that Maya interface makes it look more non-destructive than the way Blender does it, which is nice.)

I’m not sure how it is you’d like to visualize weights. There’s color, for visualizing a group on the entire model, or there are numbers, for visualizing only a single vertex.

With the N panel you can only see the weight of the select vertex (or last selected vertex), it would be good to have the mean weight value in the N panel when you select several vertices, but I don’t think it exists, it should be implemented

@bandages and @moonboots

Thanks for the confirmation. So I guess there’s no out of the box solution for this.

RE: Something like “set weight” can be done with the “assign” button.
Yea it does. The only problem is I can’t see the other weights. When troubleshooting, there is a predetermined weight list I go for rather than just going it “by eye” in the viewport. Specially with the subtle parts like in the mouth lips or eye lids.

RE: With the N panel you can only see the weight of the select vertex (or last selected vertex),
Yea, it only goes for a single vertex at the moment rather than the mean weight of selected vertices

Yes I’ve only noticed this weakness, while for example for Crease you can see the Mean Crease in the N panel. A Mean Weight would be useful sometimes, maybe suggest it in the Right Click Select site