Vile Metal - A project for a steel cladded dystopian from hell

The Airship piece is done! I’m gonna name it “Agony Floats”, rendered this one in 4k too so the detail is pretty noice

Next up is a Lighthouse in the form of a sad woman overlooking a raging, foggy ocean


Nice, you should make a #artwork:finished-projects for this one as well :slight_smile:


Your works are very unique and I admire them.
Reminds me of that Queen album, I do love a Half Life-Esque, too!


Gebalt3Dee, I would definitely recommend that you self-publish and make a book of this series. A real physical book. Hang on to your dreams- it’s the one thing we have left that A.I. can’t copy… yet. Very nice work. Are you texturing the models/mesh in Blender or are you simply painting over the forms in Photoshop? Well done!

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Thanks! Yes I think about this series all the time, like an artbook, or an exhibition if my budget and connections allow. This is probably gonna be a series that define my art style, previously I do futuristic Art Deco but I don’t feel really fulfilled by it. I still love that style tho but Vile Metal is shaping up to be something different.
As for the texture it’s a texture I mixed in Quixel Mixer and combined with node magic in Blender, it’s only a few textures tho, easier to manage.

First stage of the lighthouse, gonna use a different color palette for this one, also I usually set the mood first with lighting and some environment fog before the actual modeling start. Seems to help more with the creation process


Progress, the lighthouse will compose of 3 woman’s face with signal light coming from the eye, but for the sake of performance I won’t be doing the 3rd one but I’d just place a light there lol.
The design is is like tendril coming from the ground and pulling them, merging them together, I shouldn’t modify too much hmm, I want to keep their facial expression


Oh man this lighting surely look spooky af, I’m gonna keep this for this one

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Progress, getting a lot more background detail into the scene, gotta remember to not go too crazy with the detail or it’s going to clutter up the scene a lot and making the main subject out of focus


Been busy lately so I didn’t have time to do much, but I added a hand holding those lights to further define the light house, then added a foreground object with a glass to reflect the lighthouse, it’s an idea that just popped up in my head, look cool :smiley:


I decided to get rid of the window on the left since it was quite intrusive and replaced it with a crashing wave instead, I tried to simulate that in Blender but oh boi it wasn’t fun. The cache size for the simulation was too much to store, but at lower resolution it just doesn’t look good.

So I decided to paint it over in photoshop instead. Here’s a crude test


Done with my third one!

Concept of a pair of unfortunate woman who was slaughtered on the pier, their body perished but their soul now power the lighthouse in the raging ocean.



New one! This time it’s for the Endless Engine challenge

For this one I want to do a sky fortress, flying in and out while deploying multiple smaller craft from its mouth, currently I only want to focus on making the fortress first, then other scene elements like explosion, other smaller units,… shall be added later.

Crude render with test intro and outro


Progress and progress, this is a huge one so I’m going to be modeling a whole lot.
It is inspired by the Ausmerzer in Wolfenstein. Meaning it’s going to have lots of weapon, a good opportunity for me to make a bunch of kitbash asset for the weapons


The work here is awesome, love the dark atmospheric style. :ok_hand:

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Hopefully I can make my own Stable Diffusion model after a year, because I’d need about 12 or maybe 20 pic to really flesh out the style. Currently I use controlnet to “mockup” how it would hopefully look like if everything work.
They look so hellish and I love it lol


Update on the skyfortress, detail! A bunch more detail
There’s still a whole lot of detail left to do, but I’m having fun so far, here is the face splitting out to reveal the innerpart, I’m still not sure what to put in there yet. But the overall scene is looking good so far


Firing lazor!! So I found out what to put on the cheek of the ship, it’s going to be the vent for the main lazer weapon from the eye.
Super low res render tho

Wondering if full beam or curved beam look better


Love it! For my taste, the straight/full beam fits better with the other objects in the scene :slight_smile:


I like the curved one a lot better, personally, but it might just be the increased vibrancy of it compared to the straight one, which seems a lot more menacing to me