Voronoi Linker addon – Node Wrangler killer!

Just the name itself - i don’t yet understand what Voronoi noise has to do with what this addon does.

Voronoi map remind me the lines that addon uses to drive you with connections… but I’m not the author…so just guessing

Click here: https://github.com/ugorek000/VoronoiLinker/wiki



Your addon shows a lot of potential and a great evolution over node wrangler, obviously writing doc takes time, but at least a list of the shortcuts and functionality would be enough…

In my case, I’m just waiting for that to test it, probably other are doing the same…
This might be why you don’t have a crowd of users right now …


Hmm, all the gifs are broken on the first link (for me at least)?
The second one works though and it’s beautiful.

I’m waiting a bit before downloading the addon, because being in the middle of a model, I want things to be stable(-ish) for the rest of the month.

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I appreciate the work you’re putting into making this accessible, but I don’t think you really understand what documentation means. Maybe take a look at another add-on and see how they do things

ok thanks a lot ! that could be enough to get started indeed ! a screen of that in the wiki and some english titles would help too, but hey, looks like a test to see if ones is worthy of the addon :smiley:
This gives a nice dark web vibe to the tool !


Not a bug, just an upgrade for BL4.0, I recorded a demo, should the Coat panel automatically open?

Again: I’m not up to documentation right now. The popularity level of my addon is not for this yet.

Someday you will have detailed documentation with a lot of GIFs and a description of all the features. But it won’t be soon.


So far, this is not a bug, but just processing “as is”. I’ll figure out how to improve it later.
However, there is no api for this, so I have no idea how to fix it…

NW has a “Reset Node”. Now VL has it too!



So… I have no idea how to make readable text from addon’s black sockets.
2023-12-07 22-40-23

I hope this won’t be a problem.

is it possible it’s printing black on black? so If color == black then color = notblack kinda check?

The expected solution, but it is worth remembering that the colors Color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) and Color(0.01, 0.01, 0.01) are not much different.

There’s lots of existing formulas for color contrast that can tell you if text should be white or black

aye, or, (i forget how python would split colors) if Color.Red + Color.Blue + Color.Green < 0.4 then color = Color(whatever) ? but J’s idea of using one of the higher contrast formulas would prolly work better, so you don’t have to deal with the opposite problem if some loon out there isn’t on dark mode. :rofl:

There is only one correct answer of course. Vantablack.


but what about the Black 3.0 supporters? :rofl:

Overrated. And there would be a version conflict with Blender 4.0.
Black 3.0 is behind one step :sweat_smile:

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