Wal-Mart is evil...

lady just needs to wash her feet more :smiley:

I must say, after reading about the ‘evils’ of Walmart, (from the links in Dan’s post), one can’t help but wonder, why do these people put up with it?
The majority of their staff get paid less than enough to live above the defined poverty line. Why do they then work there? USA has an unemployment figure of 4.4%. Surely it is not hard to find other jobs.
I can sympathise with workers in poverty stricken countries, where they get paid next to nothing for their hard work, but this is America.
While I’ve never set foot in any Walmart before, I’ve seen a lot of people complain about their ‘evils’. Yet its one of the most popular shops in America. There certainly is freedom of choice.

but this is America
It’s not as simple as that. In some places, Walmart and fast food is all there is. Industry may have left the city entirely. In these places you will either be in management, an insurance salesman, a pizza guy, a cable guy, or work in the front lines as a cashier or… shudders… a greeter.

It also depends on your own confidence. If you stick it out there and try your best, you can get a good job. If you just apply to any old job, then you’ll end up with any old job. Some people are ok with this. not me, but you get the idea

Thats not true! In Germany there are several Wal-Marts.
Thats not up-to-date, there WERE several Wal-Marts. Like in South-Korea, they failed here. They needed to sell their subsidiaries in Germany ( to the Metro chain).


(in German)

First of all, the unemployment rate that we (the US) use is misleading. They only count the people who are unemployed and looking for work through ‘official’ employment commissions. The real figure would be about 8 to 10 percent, probably more if you consider the people who don’t even work and live off of government hand-outs. I’m sure other countries mislead on their figures as well.

Personally, I would never work at Wal Mart…no matter what, but people do and will because all the other jobs pay about the same. The middle-class is rapidly vanishing in the US and no one seems to care. Thanks to outsourcing, manufacturing firms are disappearing at a very high rate. It’s ridiculous. I know intelligent college graduates that work for almost nothing (but not at WalMart).

The wealthy continue to do well in the US, but pretty much everybody else isn’t. WalMart is a vile, disgusting company. It has caused many independent businesses to go under. The customer service is horrible and the workers are stupid, arrogant, lazy, and disgruntled. Again no one cares and multi-national companies dictate US policy.

I know most Americans and non-Americans think the US is doing great financially, but it isn’t. We’re literally bankrupt as a nation. The US dollar falls against foreign currency almost every day. We’ll start feeling the impact soon.

I strongly urge the people of other nations to resist the almighty WalMart!


my commando squirrels have taken out three wal-marts in california. they are expected to move further north this weekend.

I know most Americans and non-Americans think the US is doing great financially, but it isn’t. We’re literally bankrupt as a nation. The US dollar falls against foreign currency almost every day. We’ll start feeling the impact soon.

pfffft… not likely. must you forget that everyone owes money to everyone in the world. we owe money to countries, countries owe money to us. no one is literally bankrupt, be they french, english, american, korean, dude were fine… :rolleyes:

aww come on you guys, wal-mart aint all that bad. besides im sure target will take over in the next few years anyway.

I don’t find this even remotely funny.

That’s going to have a huge impact on the rest of the world too.

Three words.

Unhealthy Firearm Fetish.

In other words… UFF! Like in, the sound that escapes my lips whenever I see NJ post more gun pics.

Eh, I think he’s just trying to lighten up the mood to prevent a flamewar.

NJROTC, have you seen this article?

whats wrong with my gun pics? and its not unhealthy… some people like to fish, some like blender, kittens, tacos, chainsaws, ice skateing, lobster in butter sauce, or whatever,… i simply like firearms. in fact i even have a few members of my family that make weapons, for instance im drawing up the copyright pictures for my uncle’s weapon (i wont tell you what it does, but its cool)

oh by the way dan…


I guess you haven’t heard of the multi-billions in debt to China and Mexico. I suppose you haven’t noticed all the other economic indicators. I expect that you’ve forgotten the multi-trillion dollar war with Iraq and the impending one with Iran or that our manufacturing is going to China and Mexico. Yeah, it’s all a conspiracy theory, isn’t it clown?

Fact is, no one can be sure what will happen or when. And whoever said that if the US economy goes down so will other nations is probably correct.

Also, if you’re used to eating worms everyday, a rib-eye steak might not taste good to you. I’m not an old man by any means, but hey, I do remember the time when there wasn’t a WalMart in every US city every 1-2 miles. I still remember when you went to the store, you expected and received friendly service. Not anymore, almost everybody in the US has turned in to spineless cowards. WalMart isn’t that bad? Give it up.

I guess you haven’t heard of the multi-billions in debt to China and Mexico. I suppose you haven’t noticed all the other economic indicators. I expect that you’ve forgotten the multi-trillion dollar war with Iraq and the impending one with Iran or that our manufacturing is going to China and Mexico. Yeah, it’s all a conspiracy theory, isn’t it clown?

Fact is, no one can be sure what will happen or when. And whoever said that if the US economy goes down so will other nations is probably correct.

Also, if you’re used to eating worms everyday, a rib-eye steak might not taste good to you. I’m not an old man by any means, but hey, I do remember the time when there wasn’t a WalMart in every US city every 1-2 miles. I still remember when you went to the store, you expected and received friendly service. Not anymore, almost everybody in the US has turned in to spineless cowards. WalMart isn’t that bad? Give it up.

double pfffft… were fine. if were broke, the whole world is broke. and seriously wal-mart isnt all that bad. its a damn store man. A STORE! the service is provided by poor teenagers and old men, what do you expect. if wal-mart defines the america for you then there is no way i can take you seriously.

PFFFFFT no one is hurting here.

I hope the ignore feature stops me from seeing your posts NJROTC.

Edit: It does. Handy that.

oh im sorry if my views offend you. i guess being differnt and rights to free speech isnt accepted where your from… hey but dont worry, im sure the rest of the world is exactly like you. your own little utopia right? being differnt is so overrated,… right?:no:

Yeah, just fine duuuuuddde. Party!

Seriously WalMart blows, big time. The title of this thread is “Wal-Mart is evil”. I wouldn’t go so far as to claim that, but WM does, in my opinion and many others opinion, suck. For one they hire Chinese slave labor to make the ‘bling’ and other useless trinkets you so much cherish.

Furthermore, I didn’t say that WalMart “defines America”. Unfortunately, people such as yourself do. I said that there are various indicators that show our economy isn’t doing as well as some perceive.

NJ: I opened your post this one time to see your response…

I’m quite happy that people have the right to free speech. I also have the right to not listen to things I don’t like. Blocking you does not impede your right to free speech now does it? Perhaps you should think a little before you jump to conclusions about a person’s character.

As for your justification for your firearm fetish - all the examples you listed are of activities that don’t rely on tools designed specifically to kill people. Weapons are a different matter… That gattling gun you have there. It’s purpose? You’re certainly not going to go hunting deer with that thing now are you? You are continually posting pictures of weapons, specifically military weapons… Not hunting stuff. And I’ve had enough, and it’s my choice to not have to look at it anymore. I could go on, but I really do not need to prove my point.

Grow up NJ. I’ll just happily move along now. Nothing to see here…

Mods: No flamewar here. I won’t be coming back to this thread.

Off Topic:
Sorry to add to another thread , but I thought this amusing:

I know intelligent college graduates that work for almost nothing (but not at WalMart).

Yeah, we all know college graduates that work for almost nothing - those are the same ones that didn’t focus on anything specific during college, and find it hard to do anything in their supposed field of study because they didn’t learn about life before entering the workforce. Yeah, studies in Philosophy don’t mean much if your chosen occupation later is in transportation, warehousing, or working on cars. I mean, I know a guy that’s been working without a college degree for 15 years and makes more than the other gut I know that went to school for liberal arts - all because the guy with the degree wasn’t learning a trade. You don’t need a degree to be somebody, you just should be learning HOW TO LEARN so when you enter the real world you can APPLY the stuff you spent so much money to absorb.

On Topic:
Wal Mart as well as any other business is just that - a business. A company like all others - easy to poke fingers at and say “ooh, evil” but they are doing business still the same way the rest of us do. Supply and demand, brothers. The fact that they keep their cost down and underpay their labor and squeeze the most out of their employees… very similar to the other companies out there, especially those affiliated with China and several other countries with the largest economies. If you need a ob, you take whatever you can to make do. And you don’t give a flip about where it is or what they do unless you are some sort of idealist looking for the perfect harmonious position with the most perfect employer - it doesn’t exist, I gotta eat, and if I had my choice, I’d work at Wal Mart because they have benefits better than at the job I am at, and they have profit sharing too. If the rate of pay were increased, I’d be pushing carts and stocking shelves right now. You get old, and you realize this crap is pointless in the long run, especially if you have somebody to take care of. I also notice they have no problems hiring the handicapped, and that says a lot compared to most employers that use the physical limitations as a job requirement that has to be met before employment can be awarded. Don’t make me go there, people, I’ve seen my share of unfair and legally discriminating practices with my late wife when she tried to gain employment with other kinds of companies.

Okay, sorry to write a flipping novel, take it with a grain of salt or trow it away, I just had to get it off my chest. I feel better now. And that was funny to me, seriously.

My .02

well if i wanted to hunt alot of deer…

weapons that are designed to kill people shouldnt offend you, if they do then you need to grow up. weapons dont kill, people do. and an evil person will find a way to turn anything into a weapon. look at 911, they turned a peaceful jet into a cruise missle. i could post thousands of weapons, and all they would be is pieces of wood and steel.
this isnt offensive
this is
now how about this one?

its not the weapon, its the man behind it. and if weapons still offend you, you really need to get out more, or just grow up. no flame war here because your not smart enough to hold one.

back on topic i believe every american has the right to own a buisness, and run it how they see fit. as long as its not illegal mind you. but wal mart will fizzle out soon as something will come to replace it. its just the way the world works. nothing is king forever.

Well, you just proved Wal Mart has an effective public relations team. But almost none your post is true.

