Wazou's RMB Pie Menu V2

Hi !

I updated my RMB Pie Menus to make it much more smart and usable !

I added event to the buttons, like that with only one button, you can make several operations.

Link of the addon

SUPPORT ON DISCORD > https://discord.gg/ctQAdbY


On primitives, you can add them :

  • To the cursor
  • Shift > To selection
  • Ctrl > On the mouse
  • Alt > In Edit Mode
    Works in Object and Edit mode


This system works for Camera, lights, primitives

For the camera you can :

  • Add to the cursor
  • Shift > To see through
  • Ctrl > On the mouse
  • Alt > Add an empty, use it as Dof and see through the camera


You can create circle easilly


Etc, it’s a lot of smart tools !

If you place the mouse over a button, you will see all the available keys.


The addon is free, it’s a lot of work, so if you want to support me, don’t hesitate to make a donation and if you do, thak you a lot :wink:


I’ll be trying this goodness out soon! Thanks for sharing. I’ve been using your pie menus since it’s initial release, glad you’ve setup the donation page :slight_smile:

Thank you for the beautiful work Wazou

Thanks for your hard work !

Thx guys !

I updated the post with a video :wink:

Very impressive job best pie menu ever :smiley: I would love to see multi vertex circle added in the future I hope you can solve the problem behind it :slight_smile:

Awesome !!! You teach us a lesson of ergonomy with the combo Add object/camera + modifier.

Thx guys :wink:

I would love to see multi vertex circle added in the future I hope you can solve the problem behind it :slight_smile:

Jeremy helped me on this and VoilĂ  !

Have to test it to be sure everything is ok !

Great news can’t wait to use it =P

This is so badass…just donated. Thank you Wazou!

Thx to you :wink:

Just updated in 2.0.4 !

Added buttons for import/export in object mode, click to import, shift+click to export.


Donated and love it.
Thanks for the informative video as well!

Thx a lot !

Little update !

Added some smart tools and works fine with the great Re-Last addon !

Edit, just added the spin tool !

Click > 90°, Shift > -90°

In combination with Re-Last, this is perfect !


And updated to be compatible with the last version of offset Edges and it’s much better !
Clic> extrude, Shift> move, ctrl > Offset


Updated the addon in multi files and added the Sculpt part !

Version 2.0.7

Little update !

I’m using Windows. I thought that the Ctrl+OS key means Ctrl+Window flag key. But it does not activate the modal mode.
Could you tell me how to activate?


I have a problem with “Circle” and “Align” buttons that do not appear in the RMB Addon.
Console Does Not Show Error Reference in RMB Addon

2.07 and 2.08
Notice that:

LoopTools ok

Vertex Tools ok


Windows 10

2.02 it’s ok

Yes, oskey is the window flag key.
Juste tested on a fresh build of 2.78C and it’s ok for me.

RMB to show the pie > ctrl+oskey+click on merge.
RMB to show the pie > shift+click on connect.