Wazou's RMB Pie Menu V2

When you have an issue like that, look at the console and show the error messages!


Just updated a new version (2.0.9), tell me if you still have the issue.

In console report

Vertex tools version is 1.01

I could not understand why, I’m not a programmer, but I changed “circle” to “double” and it works perfectly.

This is weird ^^

Thanks for your hard work !

I have resolved my problem. The cause was inhibited the Window flag key by keyboard application.
Your addon is not cause.
Thank you for the great addon!

how come my menu looks like this?
This is on a fresh install of blender. and I only added the addons RMB requires. Everything else is vanilla.

Change the radius value of the pie menu in the preferences :wink:


Also, Update of the pie in 2.1.0 !

When i’m in edit mode and press ALT+origin i get an error.

Also, that problem i had of not having the align and distribute options in the pie menu, went away when i tried 2.78.5.
I was on oficial 2.78 and there was one align butto that was missing.

Not easy to see the error message on a gif ^^

Just tested on 2.78c and 2.78.5, no error for me.
I edited the code, I’ll update tomorrow if we don’t find any new error.

It’s gone again.

THis is the error https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/4791yzhlmn2eju5/2378_1090px_213px.png

COnsole https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/eli6xo0xj7ie94u/2379_979px_512px.png

Replace the operator.py by this one.
Tell me if that fix your issue.

works for me.


When you start blender, look at the console, after, when you rmb to show the pie, look at the console, maybe we will see the error for the align and distribute.
Maybe I don’t have the same version.
my version is : 1.0.1

In your error message console, the addon don’t find smart cursor, use the last version.

Maybe it’s because of this:
Read prefs: C:\Users\Pedro\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.78\config\userpref.blend
found bundled python: C:\Users\Pedro\Desktop\blender-2.78.0-git.556942e-windows64\2.78\python
Registered Wazou RMB Pie Menu with 6 modules
mesh_vertex_tools.py: new version loaded!
Registered Smart Cursor with 4 modules
Info: Removed 0 vertices

There is no error there ^^

I updated the addon, that should work now.

I also noticed that the “circle” and “Align” buttons are also not visible.

I also noticed that the “circle” and “Align” buttons are also not visible.

Try to change the dpi size to see and the radius of your pie menu.