We’re restricting the promotion of NFT’s on Blender Artists

We’ve been seeing an uptake in the number of NFT related posts here on Blender Artists during the last few months. While sharing the art is great, many of them appear to be posted here only to link to NFT marketplaces, and we feel this devalues our community.

Going forward, we will be moderating any posts (artwork or otherwise) that link to an NFT marketplace. This includes, but is not limited to, sites like OpenSea, Rarible and Mintable.

Posting NFT related jobs in #jobs:paid-work will still be allowed.


how do you know they post the link because they hope to find a purchaser (unlikely on a 3d art forum IMO) or if they simply want to share their NFT portfolio? :thinking:

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I don’t think any reasonable person can confuse a crypto-token marketplace with an art portfolio. No one links to their storefront for prints to share their art print portfolio - they link to it to sell prints (often of artwork that is on their portfolio). There are plenty of legitimate websites for sharing 3D artwork, such as literally every 3D art community online such as BlenderArtists, ArtStation, Instagram, etc. The art isn’t a part of the NFT anyway - it’s just some data the token points too, but only as long as it remains on the server. If it gets deleted from the location it’s hosted - poof! No more fancy block chain hyperlink.

Everyone knows the first step of marketing online is to promote your product anywhere you can get eyes on it. They know what they’re doing, or at least what they’re trying to do. Sure it’s stupid to try to sell NFTs to normal people with normal incomes, especially as an unknown artist, but there are plenty of people who are pretty direct on social media that this link is where you can buy their NFTs.

I mean, Daz3D is a digital content market place and they were stupid enough to not only try to sell NFTs to their customer base, but have their forum mods censor and threaten to ban NFT critics. So even companies are stupid enough to try to sell NFTs to 3D artists, instead of marketing them towards people wealthy enough to throw away $$$ disposable income on a fancy, block chain embedded hyperlink.


Good call. NFT being a scam should have no place in communities like blenderartists.


As said above, you can still share your art here without linking to the NFT marketplace. Those marketplaces aren’t portfolio sites.


I Appreciate this NFT related call ! totally agree


Absolutely BASED.


All I can say is HUZZAH.

I’m glad we won’t have to wade through mountains of gold-rush-hustle-spam to keep meaningfully communicating on this forum.
A positively excellent call!


(post deleted by author)

yes, NFTs aren’t for normal people. the main purpose of NFTs is laundering crypto money.

(of course you can argue that a big part of the art market in general is about money laundering but NFTs take it to the extreme.)


totally agree with this, while the blender artists I have been seen several NFT appearance, yes I consider this devalues the website, is better sharing a place between art and a showcase to see the evolution of blenderists :D, Thank you and really appreciate this update on the website. have a good day :smiley:


In the US, there is currently a report that the government is about to make NFT’s and anything involving crypto illegal.

If this ends up being copied worldwide, then threads like Andrew Price’s Donut collage project may not just have to be locked, but deleted as well.

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Where did you get that information.


This is off-topic to the current conversation - feel free to launch a new one in #general-forums:off-topic-chat.

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100% Agree


Agreed. I’m all for art/creation and I’m for trying to make a living selling artwork but I’m not down with mixing the two, especially when it’s a hub about the ART created with Blender. If you want to promote and sell art, there are other sites for that.

Sites like this one is the way to keep the conversation going for showcasing the art and skills of Blender artists, learning from each other, as well as learning more with Blender.

I’m new to the 3D/Blender arena but what I like is the community Blender has. This isn’t a common thing in the 3D software world from what I understand but shouldn’t be messed with. It’s a cool and special thing… Hopefully I can stay focused enough (I’m interested in too many things) to get deeper into it…


I’ve always had a bad feeling about NFT’s. I’ve never tried to sell them because it feels wrong and shameful, and why do I get the feeling they are not about the art??? oh yea because for the amount of amazing digital art already on the internet there is not enough money in the entire economy for even a fraction of that artwork to sell for the prices some of these NFTs with sell at. So I conclude its just money laundering under the guise of selling artwork.


Hey guys… Can someone explain to me what NFT is? That is my question. I would like to understand. I can’t find much online. I’m not in there with all the shortcuts and new things. Would be nice to know what it means and why there are restrictions. Sorry for my stupidity… Regards

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Not here please, go ahead and open your own topic in Off-topic Chat