Weird light bounce

In Cycles, when I combine the alpha textured eyelashes to the head, it creates this weird light bounce around the eyes. But if the head and eyelashes are separate then there is no light bounce. How can I remove that light bounce when they are combined objects?

As separate objects: No weird light bounce.

As combined Object: weird light bounce around eyes. How can I fix to get the above result?


Would you mind to drop a .blend file?

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Thanks for the reply! Here is a drive link to the file:

It says access is denied.

sorry try the link again, made it public

What’s your Blender’s version?

Blender 3.6

Change all of your Subsurface Radius values of your Principled BSDF shader to 1.000

Before & After comparison:



Final result:

Hope that helps


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Thanks! It fixed it a little however it still looks like it has this white halo look to it.

I think it has to be something with your next nodes:

Try to switch to Value in your Value node and see if that helps.


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Thanks for trying different solutions! unfortunately, that didn’t work either. I wonder what it could be. It’s so odd

Most likely something wrong with your UV.

If I would disconnect all nodes from Specular and reduce its value all the way down to 0.000, it fixes the problem:


Just disconnect your Image Texture node from Invert Color input:


That’s weird, I tried the above and I’m still getting the same result. Do you thing it may have to do with any of the alpha settings for the eyelash texture?

Either that or bad uv/topology, but most likely it’s nodes.

Gotcha, I’m gonna have to do a lot of playing around to see exactly whats going on, but you helped me get closer to the issue it seems

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Try to make this and see if that helps you:

I just tried that but getting the same result. I also tried removing all of the nodes and I’m getting the same result. I don’t think it’s the nodes, at least with the skin texture

Maybe topology itself, also try to check your light spots, maybe one of them gives you that weird white light effect.

I understand but it just doesn’t make any sense because when you separate the eye lashes from the head, it works perfectly and it has no weird light effect. Maybe it’s the visibility settings or something?

Have you applied any modifiers to your eye lashes before joining them together?